

おばさんの料理教室 キクイモの唐揚

2021年11月30日 | 日記











Deep-fried kikuimo


①Wash the ikuimo well and cut it intobit bite-size Heat in a bag and microwave for 600w5 minutes.

②①Fry potato starch with a icingipder

③Mix the seasonings of soy sauce Daiko 2 Honey Daiko 2 Mirin and heat in a frying pan.

④Put fried kikuimo into the frying pan of and queak well .

⑤Put white sesame and olive oil in and mix quickly .

⑥Serve on a plate and serve with boiled broccoli.

* You can put hawk's claws if you like.

* Lightly fried to make it crispy. It seems to soften when deep-fried firmly.


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おばさんの料理教室 金時草を使った十割蕎麦

2021年11月29日 | 日記









 100% buckwheat noodles made with Kin toki grass

100% buckwheat noodles are made with only 100% buckwheat flour without using flour.

The other day, there was a dinner party for my friend, and my friend brought me a souvenir.

The origin of the name of Kingisou seems to have come to be called "Kintoki grass" because the color on the back is a beautiful reddish purple  similar to "Kintokiimo".   Although it was introduced from China in the 18th century, it was cultivated from ancient times in Kumamoto City, Kyushu, cultivated in Ishikawa Prefecture since the Edo period, and it was picked up by a friend in Kanazawa, and when I cut it, I cooked it because it grew splendidly.  


①Boil kin toki grass and make ohhishi.

②Boil 100% buckwheat noodles.

③Add the buckwheat soup served in a bowl ① and serve the ham

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おばさんの料理教室 しらす丼

2021年11月28日 | 日記











How does shirasu-no-don go out ?

Shirasu is served in piles of dried shirasu in the store of a dry matter shop. Shirasu, rich in protein, vitamin D, calcium and magnesium, is a bone-eaten fish. The names may vary depending on the region, but in order of high moisture content, it is called kamaage shirasu, shirasu dried, and chili menjako. There are fish called shirauo and shirauo with similar names and appearances, but these three species are completely different kinds of fish.


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①Sweet vinegar Aluma is cut vertically .

Put rice in a bowl , serve the cargo and whitebait , scatter the nori , and put the yolks on top .

When eating, shake the salt or soy sauce slightly.

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おばさんの料理教室 シフォンケーキ(20cm径1個)

2021年11月27日 | 日記










    Chiffon Cake (1 20cm Diameter)

The point of softly baking is to mix the yolk and sugar firmly, and if you continue to mix it, it will become hard like mayonnaise from the middle.   Until then, keep mixing it up- and on. The second is to make a meringue that can stand well enough.

①Put 40g of sugar in 6 egg yolks, mix with a hand mixer , and add 130ml of water and 80ml salad oil .

②Sift 130 g of flour again and put it in and mix well with a hand mixer.

③Make a hard meringue with egg whites and 40g of sugar, add 1/3 meringue to 

④ blend well with a spatula, then roughly mix with the remaining meringues .

Bake in a 170°C oven for 50 minutes.

⑤Put it in a bottle, etc. and turn it upside down and cool


How to store is to store the wrap as perfectly as possible in the refrigerator.   If the wrap is not tight, moisture will come out of the chiffon and the moist feeling will  disappear.

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おばさんの料理教室 山査子(サンザシ)のジャム。

2021年11月26日 | 日記



サンザシ(山査子、山樝子、学名 Crataegus cuneata)は、バラ科サンザシ属の落葉低木。中国中南部の原産。日本には江戸時代1734年)に中国から薬用の樹木とし小石川御薬園に持ち込まれて、その後は庭木盆栽として栽培されている.




Yamasako 's jam.

I got a lot of sanzashi fruits from my friends, and the raw was sour and I couldn't eat them. Jam is a great success. It seems to be usable for various other dishes.

Hawthorn (Yamaniko, Yamayoko, academic name: Crataegus cuneata)is a deciduous shrub of the genus Hawthorn.    Native to the south of China. In Japan, it was brought to Koishikawa Imperial Garden as a medicinal tree from China in the Edo period (1734),  and has since been cultivated as a garden tree and  bonsai.  


①Wash yamako with water.

②Cut in half with a kitchen knife.

After separating the seeds and fruits, chop them, put a little water in a saucepan, and boil them  After that, add the desired amount of sugar and boil it down for a while and you're done.


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おばさんの料理教室 バターナッツスクワッシュ簡単料理

2021年11月25日 | 日記








Butternut Squash Easy Cooking

There was a jugble of butternut squash (pumpkin type) and I enjoyed cooking cooked easily in the microwave.


①Peel the pumpkin zest and cut the seedless part into 1cm slices.

②Serve on a plate and soften in the microwave for minutes in the microwave.

⋆ Sautéed in a frying pan is also good.

*If you like, you can eat it with salt or oil.


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おばさんの料理教室 金時草のおひたし

2021年11月24日 | 日記










Kin toki grass

After a long absence, my friend brought kin toki grass with me.

The origin of the name of Kingisou seems to have come to be called "Kintoki grass" because the color on the back is a beautiful reddish purple  similar to "Kintokiimo".   Although it was introduced from China in the 18th century, it was cultivated from ancient times in Kumamoto City, Kyushu, and cultivated in Ishikawa Prefecture since the Edo period, and it was given by a friend in Kanazawa, and when I cut it, I cooked it because it grew beautifully.


①Boil the leaves with salt, expose them to water for a while, and drain.

When seasoned with triple vinegar and placed, the color is reddish purple with acetic acid. You can taste the color, flavor and nurumi.

The origin of the name of Kinjisou (Japanese name Suizenjina) seems to have come to be called "Kintoki grass" because the color on the back side is a beautiful reddish purple similar to "Kintoki potato". Although it was introduced from China in the 18th period, I got it from a friend in Kanazawa who was cultivated since ancient times in Kumamoto City (Solderma) in Kyushu and cultivated in some villages in Ishikawa Prefecture since the Edo period, and I cooked it because it grew beautifully when I cut it.

Dishes are sesame with miso, tempura, vinegared dishes, shabu-shabu, and rice

The stem branches well in a cylindrical shape and is purple-brown. The leaves are oval-shaped and pointed. The front is green, the back is purple, and it is flexible and mucus. Leaves and young stems are edible, and there is a unique flavor as a vegetable in summer, and when boiled, slimy (sticky) comes out.
The temperature suitable for growth is 20 to 25 °C, and the aboveground part dies in winter. It has a strong heat resistance and grows thick in summer. When the temperature difference is large in the shade of half a day, the reddish purple color on the back of the leaf comes out beautifully. The adaptability of the soil is wide, but weak for dryness.
The crop cultivation is usually cultivated, planting is done from late April to early May, and harvesting is harvested from around the 50th to 60th days after planting.

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おばさんの料理教室 けんちん汁

2021年11月23日 | 日記


 けんちん汁の語源には、鎌倉の建長寺の開山であった蘭渓道隆(らんけいどうりゅう)が、崩れてしまった豆腐を野菜と煮込んで作った汁物に由来するといった説もある。 この汁物が、「建長寺」の名から「建長寺汁」「建長汁」と呼ばれるようになり、訛って「けんちん汁」になったというものである。






Kenchin Soup

There is also a theory that the etymology of Kenchinjiru is derived from the soup made by Michitaka Rankei, the founding of Kenchoji Temple in Kamakura, by stewing collapsed tofu with vegetables. It is the one that this soup came to be called "Kenchoji soup" and "Kenchoji" from the name of "Kencho-ji", and became "Kenchin soup" as an accent.

At the peak of daikon radish harvesting, kenchin soup was made, and the body warms up during the cold season.


①Cut radishes, carrots and burdock into bamboo grass.

Put water, in a saucepan, fry, tofu, mushrooms, pork, green onions, vegetables (spinach, etc.), boil them in a saucer, and season with white miso.

* If you like spicy, soy sauce is also.

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おばさんの料理教室 里芋の衣かつぎ

2021年11月22日 | 日記


友人から、今年も福井の大野の素晴らし里芋が届きました、今後色々な料理を楽しみます、まずは衣かつぎを・( ^ω^)・・・。








Taro's Robe Katsugi

From a friend, I will enjoy various dishes  in the future where the wonderful taro of Ono in Fukui arrived  again this year, first of all, the clothes katsugi ( ^ω ^)...

When boiled, the skin is easy, it is easy to peel off and eat,  lightly salt.


2 people before

Wash the sweet potatoes, remove the roots, leave the skin in water and a pressure cooker and boil for 10 minutes.

②Remove the skin, serve on a plate, and top with salt, Shiso miso and soy sauce koji.

* Soy sauce koji: Put 500 g of koji, 500 g of soy sauce, 150 g of water in a bag, set the heat with a rice cooker, and in 5 to 6 hours, if the koji becomes soft, it is completed. Refrigerator storage ok for 3-4 months.

*When simmering small potatoes, soak in 15 gof kombu・ 1 l of water for 30 minutes in summer and 1 liter in winter, remove and boil, add 25 g of bonito flakes, turn off the heat and remove the bonito flakes. If not, the source of the dashi may be dissolved with water.



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おばさんの料理教室 簡単月見うどん

2021年11月21日 | 日記






②別の鍋に200mlめん (2倍濃縮)100ml入れて中火でひと煮立ちさせ火から下ろす。



Easy Moon Noodles

It is a very simple dish, and it is very delicious with eggs entwined in udon noodles.


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①Boil 1 ball of udon in a pot .

②In a separate saucepan, add 200ml water and100ml (twice concentrated), bring to a simmer over medium heat and remove from  heat.

③Put ① in a bowl and put egg yolk, shoulder ham, boiled broccoli in the center .

* Chopped onions and kamaboko are also good.

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おばさんの料理教室 くさや

2021年11月20日 | 日記






くさや液」は、魚を漬ける塩水のことです。数十年~数百年もの間、塩を継ぎ足し使われ続けているのだとか。そのため、魚の成分から微生物が発生し、発酵し続けるというわけです。 あの独特な臭いはここから発生していたんですね。魚の脂と発酵によるタンパク質の旨味の混じり合いによって、よりおいしくなるそうですよ。

A sedaya

The other day, at a gathering of meal friends, I brought a pod and had it with you.

The pod is one of the dried fish and is known as a specialty of the Izu Islands.  Fresh fish such as kusayamoro are infiltrated into a fermented liquid with a unique smell and flavor similar to fish sauce called "kusaya liquid", and then baked and  eaten with sun-dried food   。

Kusaya is dried fish made from fish such as fresh muleaea (such as   kusayamoro)   and shiira, and is actively produced in the Izu Islands.  It is said to be the fifth stink in the world!


"suidi liquid" is salted water that pickles fish.  It has been used for decades to hundreds of years.  Therefore, microorganisms are generated from the components of fish and continue to ferment. That unique smell was generated from here. It seems to be more delicious by mixing the fat of the fish with the umami of the protein by fermentation.

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おばさんの料理教室 鯛のなめろう

2021年11月19日 | 日記










Let's lick the sea bream

It is said that the fisherman's dish was originally made on the ship to lick it. Grated the fresh fish and made with miso and flavored vegetables. Chiba Prefecture's local cuisine was called "Lickro" because the raw smell disappeared with miso and condiments and it was delicious, and it licked to the plate.

It is made happily like a fisherman's dish. If you carry it in your mouth little by little, it is the best snack that you will want to drink alcohol forever.


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  • ①10cmlong green onions, 1 large leaf, cut into the shaft.
  • ②80g Thai sashimi coarsely chopped.

 ③①・②  1 teaspoon  of miso, 1 teaspoon of cooking sake , 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger , and beat with a kitchen knife .

  Serve on a plate and you're done.

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おばさんの料理教室 ブロッコリーと海老の卵焼き

2021年11月18日 | 日記






Grilled broccoli and shrimp with eggs


①Mix the shrimp, broccoli and carrots with eggs, salt and pepper.

②In a frying pan, bake over low heat and you're done.

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おばさんの料理教室 野蒜(ノビル)のきんぴ

2021年11月17日 | 日記








Kinpira in Nobil

At this time of year, Nobil grows naturally in the fields, harvesting and making it easy to kimpira.


①Take the root and the dirty place of the field.

 ②Cut the thick white part and boil it quickly.

③Put salad oil in a frying pan and fry with wild bosel, sugar, soy sauce, sake, mirin and 

④Stir-fry for 4-5 minutes and serve shrimp and bonito flour on a plate.

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おばさんの料理教室 ノビルと茗荷のちりめんじゃこ炒め

2021年11月16日 | 日記








Stir-fried nobil and cargo with chirimeenjako

Dishes by Nobil

It is a perennial plant that is usually found on sunny banks such as mountain fields, and there are small bulbs in the ground, a round white lower part with beard roots, and the whole grass has an onion-like fragrance. This season is home to a lot of wild mountains, so it's a good thing to collect and cook various dishes.

Nobil is a companion of rakkyo, leek, leek and garlic. Soft leaves can be used for any dish, such as nuta. The root bulbs are delicious with sweet and sour pickles or raw tonkatsu.


①nobil and the cargo are cut into small pieces.

②Fry ① in salad oil, season with salt, pepper and soy sauce, finally add the chirime bean jarko.

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