

おばさんの料理教室 金時草のおひたし

2021年11月24日 | 日記










Kin toki grass

After a long absence, my friend brought kin toki grass with me.

The origin of the name of Kingisou seems to have come to be called "Kintoki grass" because the color on the back is a beautiful reddish purple  similar to "Kintokiimo".   Although it was introduced from China in the 18th century, it was cultivated from ancient times in Kumamoto City, Kyushu, and cultivated in Ishikawa Prefecture since the Edo period, and it was given by a friend in Kanazawa, and when I cut it, I cooked it because it grew beautifully.


①Boil the leaves with salt, expose them to water for a while, and drain.

When seasoned with triple vinegar and placed, the color is reddish purple with acetic acid. You can taste the color, flavor and nurumi.

The origin of the name of Kinjisou (Japanese name Suizenjina) seems to have come to be called "Kintoki grass" because the color on the back side is a beautiful reddish purple similar to "Kintoki potato". Although it was introduced from China in the 18th period, I got it from a friend in Kanazawa who was cultivated since ancient times in Kumamoto City (Solderma) in Kyushu and cultivated in some villages in Ishikawa Prefecture since the Edo period, and I cooked it because it grew beautifully when I cut it.

Dishes are sesame with miso, tempura, vinegared dishes, shabu-shabu, and rice

The stem branches well in a cylindrical shape and is purple-brown. The leaves are oval-shaped and pointed. The front is green, the back is purple, and it is flexible and mucus. Leaves and young stems are edible, and there is a unique flavor as a vegetable in summer, and when boiled, slimy (sticky) comes out.
The temperature suitable for growth is 20 to 25 °C, and the aboveground part dies in winter. It has a strong heat resistance and grows thick in summer. When the temperature difference is large in the shade of half a day, the reddish purple color on the back of the leaf comes out beautifully. The adaptability of the soil is wide, but weak for dryness.
The crop cultivation is usually cultivated, planting is done from late April to early May, and harvesting is harvested from around the 50th to 60th days after planting.

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