

Small Talk

2013年05月24日 | トーストマスターズ
I retired from my occupation of diplomat two month ago.
Now I am free and enjoying my pension life like the Golgo 13, a professional sniper in this comic book. So I can kill not only cockroaches in my house but also spare time in my life.

As far as the Golgo 13, whose real name is Mr. Great Togo, is concerned, I personally don’t like him. Because he is unfriendly, obstinate and murderer.
In case I could come across him, what shall I do?
I would greet “ Nice to meet you, Mr. Togo.”
He may answer “Nice to see YOU, TM Takki. How can I help you?”
“ Uh, nothing in paticular. But・・・”
“ Okay. No business no conversation. See you!”
As I fail to communicate further with him and can’t give him a good impression, I will probably be blacklisted because of my poor behavior.
I am very scared to be targeted by him.
Isn’t there any good ideas to avoid such tragedy ?
My answer is ” Yes, there is!” A small talk will do.
“A small talk? what is it? Is it a kind of speech?” you may think.
A small talk is a little different from speech.
It doesn’t require substance, conclusion and humor.

Let me show you an example.
When I meet Mr. Togo again, I should talk like this;
“Nice to meet you again,Mr. Togo. I met your friend Mr. Saito yesterday.”
“Oh Really? Was he fine?”
“ He looked quite busy with writing new story on you.”
“Good! Thank you.”
There were no substances in my greeting, however, I added a small talk focused on what he maight be interested in.
There were also no conclusions and no humors. I just talked a gossip about his friend.
This time I believe that Mr. Togo and I could get closer through this conversation and am sure he would delete my name from his blacklist.
Thus I can live peaceful and happy retirement life.

As small talks make everybody closer and happier, let’s be a competent small talker.
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Grateful Comments (Speaker)
2013-05-26 07:57:07
1. I've enjoyed your humourous speech very much! May be "SMALL TALK" is much important for our daily life :).
I've noticed. Thank you! (→You've got my point of speech. Grateful thanks.)

2. Very innovative way of delivering the speech. It was nice that the goal of the speech became apparrent at the end of the speech. (→ Conclusion may be a little weak. Grateful thanks.)

3.  ゴルゴ13と話すシーンが報復絶倒でした!面白い構成だなあと思いました。(→会話はなんとかうまくできましたが、その後の解説部分で詰まってしまいました。いい点だけを取り上げていただきありがとうございます。)

4. すごいユーモア。発想が信じられない。これが人の心をつかむ。お上手です。 (→Kill spare time やblacklistedというユーモアをわかっていただいていたようでとてもうれしいです。)

