

Run to win!

2015年03月06日 | トーストマスターズ

Our respectful governor of District 76, Hisashi Watanabe, distinguished guests, supporters and members of the Chiyoda Toast Marathon Club. (take off “Masters” on “Marathon”)
Thank you for attending the inaugural ceremony for our new Ekiden running team.

First of all, as a team manager, I would like to share with you the pleasure of our passing the preliminary heats for the first National Toastmasters Ekiden Relay which will be held at Yoyogi Park in Tokyo on 17th of May this year.
Representing the Area 33, we must win the first place among 20 teams competing against us in this race. But it is not so easy task for us to accomplish. We still need not only more practice but also more mental and physical toughness.

We have our 8 elite runners here with us tonight. Please give them a big round of applause. (clapping my hands) Thank you very much.

Now I would like to show you my 3 tactics to be the national champion for the race.

First, Positive Thinking. (raise flip)
We are more likely to go in an easier way, for example, saying “I feel a little tired” or “I can’t do it”.
I never let our runners say such negative words, because they make every team member negative. Instead I let them think positively in this way of saying “ I am a little tired but will do once again” or “I can’t do it but will try it ”. We always look forward not backward. We are a positive team.

Second, Welcome Pressure. (raise flip)
Supporters always put pressure on us so that we can do our best and win the race. Such high expectation may cause mental disadvantage to our team, however we will take it for granted and try to overcome the pressure. So supporters, please feel free to cheer us up as many times as possible. We will change it to our power.

Last but not least, Aiming High. (raise flip)
We often underestimate our potentialities. I believe we should not limit our abilities by ourselves.
The time has come when the spirits of our team rise high enough being selected for one of the finalists. The higher the target we reach the more exciting the challenge we face. .

Let me conclude, and let me ask 3 questions to our Ekiden runners.
Do you always think positively? (Yes)
Can you take pressure forward? (Yes).
Are you confident of victory? (Yes).
OK! Then my last message to you ---Just run to win!
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