

Driver's licence

2009年03月13日 | トーストマスターズ



1) Introduction
I am sitting at a rent-a-car office now. Everything is in order for my travel to Sapporo. I am about to finish all the procedures to have a nice car rented. The last thing I have to check is the driver's licence. Oh! No! This is not mine, but my daughter's. What shall I do? Looking at the driver's licence, it reminds me of a hard time to get it.

2) Explanation
Let me explain the licence system for car drivers in New Zealand. There are three steps to be a qualified driver. First, you have to pass writing examination for the learner's licence. Then you can apply for the restricted licence having a test of driving skills. You can only drive a car from 5 in the morning until 10 at night with the restricted licence. After one year of driving experience you can apply for the full licence.

3) Body
It happend when my daughter challenged for the restricted licence at a testing depot. An examiner looked over the car we brought and found a rear lamp was not on when he stepped on the brake. He said to me "She can't take the skill test now until it is fixed. I can't let your daughter drive under such a dangerous condition." I was surprised and replied "Please wait a moment Sir, I think I can fix it right away. It's not a big problem at all." And I was really able to repair the lamp in a few minutes, but it was one minutes late for the starting time of examination. He said again showing at the clock "Sorry, I can't do it today. you can come back next time." I coundn't believe what he said and asked him "It's only one minutes late. Please let her have a test now!" He repeated "No, sorry."

4) Conclusion
I must say rules are rules, but I darely insist rules should be applied in favor of the people who are getting public services. I believe I am conducting my duty as a civil servent to help people with all my kindness.

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