

The final conversation

2018年08月02日 | トーストマスターズ
Pathways教育プログラムに沿った初めてのスピーチ(level 1 : Ice Breaker)です。

Distinguished guests and fellow Toastmasters, how do you spend these hot summer days? I rather want to travel to somewhere cool.
The destination of my first priority is Hamilton in New Zealand. Why? There are 2 reasons. One, It is now in winter season there. The other, it has a personal story never-to-be-forgotten for myself that I will tell you about tonight.

While I worked for the diplomatic organizations in North Korea, South Korea and
Taiwan from 1998 to 2005, my wife lived apart from me in Hamilton to help our only daughter study abroad.

After 7 years of separation we were lucky to live together when I was transferred to
Auckland, the largest city in NZ as close as 130 kms to Hamilton.

One summer day in February 2006, I got a phone call from my wife staying at her house in Hamilton.

“Good morning Honey, how are you today.”
“Hi Momoe, what a surprise you call me early in the morning! Any trouble?”
“Nothing but just want to hear your voice.”
“Thanks, Darling. How is our daughter going? ”
“She is busy for getting through her University exams, ”
“Good. So, what are you going to do this morning?”
“I will jog along the riverside before preparing lunch for her.”
“Ok take care Darling. See you this weekend!”
“You too. Honey. Bye!”

Who knew this was the final conversation between us.

A couple of hours later, I got another phone call from the Auckland Police saying that my wife was in hospital with critical head injuries after an accident in Hamilton this morning where she collided with a cyclist.

I could not believe it when I heard it for the first time but immediately rushed to the
hospital. My wife was lying fast asleep in bed put a respirator on her mouth.
I gripped her hands and encouraged her but she gave me back no reactions.

According to the regulations of New Zealand, the doctors waited 8 days for her
recovery and finally decided to take the respirator off her mouth in the presence of her family.
It was the moment of my greatest sorrow to be eternally separated from my dearest partner.

It has passed 12 years since the accident occurred, I still cannot stop thanking god for letting my wife and I communicate over the phone just before she passed away.

Now I visit Hamilton to have further conversations with my late wife at her grave in the park cemetery where she doesn’t sleep but is a thousand winds that blow.

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1 コメント

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Comments (Audience)
2018-08-14 13:29:49
-Great speech. I can share your emotion and thinking directly.
-How pretty your "Momoe's" voice!! What an emotional speech, explaining your lovely wife. (M.F)
-Thank you for a touching story! I am sure all audience have been fascinated by your wonderful speech.
-Great "cool" topic!! I enjoyed the content and story telling with good pause and flow. Especially incorporating vocal variety. Your story was heartfelt and I thank you for sharing such a personal story. (R.H)
-What a tragedy! It was serious and good speech.(S.F)
-You are amazing! Thank you for sharing the most amazing speech about wonderful wife.
-So sad story... You are very emotional and I almost drop my tear.
-Thank you for a memorial speech!

