


2013年03月11日 | トーストマスターズ
Do you know how long Japanese people live in average?
You are right. It is 80 years for Japanese gentlemen and 86 years for ladies.
I am 63 years old now, literally speaking I have another 17 years left until I depart for the different world, heaven or hell I don’t know.

Fortunately my father is still alive, he is 90 years old but my mother died at the age of 52.
As far as my friends are concerned, I never forget the day when a newly assigned colleague of mine sat at the desk next to me. Having welcome lunch with him on the day, he told me that he had been suffering from throat cancer. The next day he did not appear at the office and gave me a call that he had to go to hospital again. In spite of two month medical treatment at hospital, he had never come back.

I realized nobody could tell when individual stop living and also learned that it is absolutely true we will surely die, sooner or later.

Then what shall we do?

From my point of view, it is good of us not to be able to control our lives.
Because limiting something makes everything interesting.

Just think why playing golf is interesting, it is because players are not allowed to throw the golf ball with hands.

Just think why marathon attracts runners, it is because runners are not allowed to take taxi on the marathon course.

Just think why life is so interesting, it is because we are not free from death.

Mahatma Gandhi quotes that man lives freely only by his readiness to die. (man lives freely only by his readiness to die.)

Death- it may visit tomorrow Friday or day after tomorrow Saturday or the next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday .

Don’t be too nervous, there is no someday in the week.

Let’s make the best of our life before someday comes to us.

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