


2015年04月16日 | トーストマスターズ


Good evening everyone, here comes the pleasant Table Topics Speech Session.
We had the Division C Speech Contest last sunday. As our President Fuji reported through E mail, Toastmaster(TM.) Hiro representd our club and and made a powerful and elegant speech to win the second place. Congratulations again to you TM. Hiro.
Influenced by his speech titled the strongest Weapon (最終兵器=the final Weapon) I also have brought the strongest Weapon with me for this session. This is IT! Deck of cards.
Let me explain how to use this Weapon or trump cards. there will be no guess and no time to prepare for speakers.
Here are a set of heart, from 1 to 13.
At first speakers named are requested to pick one of these cards at random.
And then speakers will be expected to make speeches related to the number they have drawn.
So you can introduce yourself using the number or you can explain the reasons why you like the number and so on.

Let me show you a couple of examples.
when I draw the number 3, I may talk like this.
3 is my target. As i am a serious runner, It is my target (or dream) to break 3 hours in marathon. I wish I could accomplish it by the time I go to heaven.
3 is my habit. I brush my teeth with in 3 minutes after the meals 3 times a day. Good habit keep me healthy.

OK! Now it's your turn, fellow Toastmasters.
The first lucky speaker is TM. Toshi. Please take one of these cards.Tell us your story on the number 13.
-Thank you for your good speech.
The second happy speaker is TM. Aki. Please take one of these cards.Tell us your story on the number 4.
-Thank you for your smart speech.
The third beloved speaker is TM. Nao. Please take one of these cards. Tell us your story on the number 12.
-Thank you for your compact speech.
The fourth dear speaker is TM. Mayu. Please take one of these cards. Tell us your story on the number 9.
-Thank you for your pleasant speech.
Last but no least, the fifth respectful speaker is TM. Hiro. Please take one of these cards. Tell us your story on the number 6.
-Thank you for your interesting speech.
Thank you fellow Toastmasters for your cooperation.

May I have a time report, please.

All the speakers are eligible for vote.
Write the best table topic speaker and put the voting slip into the Box.

Let me close the session and pass the control to the ToastMaster Of Evening.
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司会ぶりの感想 (論評者)
2015-04-17 10:28:17



◎Very impressive and new ways of Table Topics using cards. I like your way of talking.

