kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2018年09月23日 12時56分21秒 | 日記

Push-ups :21 times
Walking :30 minutes
Standing on one foot :11 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :10 minutes

Today again, I'm afraid that I have a tight schedule today and cannot afford to be here any longer.

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Daily Routine

2018年09月22日 17時22分33秒 | 日記

Push-ups :21 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :9 minutes

I have a tight schedule today, so I cannot afford to be here any longer.

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2018年09月21日 17時05分24秒 | 日記



boggle :〔驚いて〕ギョッとする、尻込みする、ためらう
puff :〔空気や煙などが〕一吹きすること
pep :〈米話〉活気、元気、活力、気力、エネルギー
pep talks :〈米話〉(叱咤)激励◆人を励ますための言葉や話
hide oneself :雲隠れする、姿をくらます、姿を隠す、所在をくらます、身を隠す、身を潜める
There is no denying that :<that以下>は否定できない。

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Daily Routine

2018年09月21日 13時58分47秒 | 日記

Push-ups :21 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :9 minutes

It has been seven years and two hundred and eighty-six days in a row
since I got rid of my smoking habit.
I was able to keep greater than 14-time push-ups for the twelfth consecutive
day including the latest four days of 21-time push-ups.

It's been raining since yesterday and it's not cold, just cool, I feel.
However, I absolutely need much more sunlight.
Maybe I am a sunlight person.^^;;;
Anyway, I would like to do a middle-distance walking in the very near future,
but according to weather reports, I am highly likely to miss a chance.
What should I do?.....I'm wondering if I should do that on the day after tomorrow
by forcibly making time.

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2018年09月20日 20時45分18秒 | 日記



safe house :隠れ家
save someone a seat :(人)に席を取っておく
defuse tensions :緊張を和らげる
identical :全く同じ、同一の、等しい、全く相等しい、一卵性の
Care to join us? :参加してみる?/話に加わりたい?/一緒に来る?
Care for some coffee? :コーヒーはいかが?

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Daily Routine

2018年09月20日 13時19分48秒 | 日記

Push-ups :21 times
Walking :a total of 60 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :9 minutes

Seven years and two hundred and eighty-five days in a row have passed
since I broke my smoking habit.
I was able to keep 21-time push-ups for the third successive day and
at least 15-time push-ups for the eleventh straight day.

It has been raining in Nagoya since early this morning just as weather
ladies said yesterday.
I feel the temperatures are rather low but it's not so cold maybe because
of today's higher humidity.
And maybe because of this cool weather, I've got a little hungry earlier than usual.
Now, I'm wondering if I may eat something or should do that.
Anyway, I've noticed one good thing.
That is, my low back muscle is getting stronger and stronger just little by little
surely because of continued jogging-on-the-spot.

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Daily Routine

2018年09月19日 13時37分04秒 | 日記

Push-ups :21 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :8 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for seven years and
two hundred and eighty-four days in a row.
I was able to keep over 14-time push-ups for the tenth consecutive day
including the most recent two days of 21 times of them.

I have been enjoying plenty of sunlight for these few days.
Today again, it's greatly sunny in Nagoya.
Though the forecast highest temperature is 31 degrees, actually I don't feel so humid.
I feel it's more like a crisp weather.
I would very much like to do a middle-distance walking in the very near future,
but actually my scheduled days have fallen on rainy days.
Well, weather ladies say Nagoya will see rainy days from tomorrow.

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2018年09月18日 18時21分26秒 | 日記



have a tail on :(人)に尾行をつける
remind oneself that :〔that以下〕を自分に言い聞かせる
brighten things up :雰囲気を明るくする
hearten the supporters of :~の支持者たちを勇気づける
resurface :〔道路を〕再舗装する
composed :落ち着いた、平穏な、冷静な

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Daily Routine

2018年09月18日 13時05分40秒 | 日記

Push-ups :21 times
Walking :60 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :8 minutes

I have been able to do without smoking for seven years and two hundred
and eighty-three days in a row.
I tried increasing the number of push-ups by just one time to 21 times,
and I kept more than 14-time push-ups for the ninth straight day.

It's greatly sunny again in Nagoya and the forecasted highest temperature
is still over 30 degrees and it's actually 32 degrees.
I feel the length of daytime has surely and already got short.
I've noticed that the rice ears in the rice fields on my way to the workplace
have begun bowing, turning color from green to gold.
Which means, this year's autumnal weather is steadily approaching.

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2018年09月17日 21時10分16秒 | 日記



creepy :〔虫が〕はい回る、むずむずする、気味悪い、ゾッとする
home school :ホームスクール、自宅で学習できる学校◆アメリカでホームスクールと言う場合は、
reroute :新ルートで送る、別の経路に切り替える、旅程変更する、〔列車の〕運行区間を変更する
deafening :防音装置[材料]、耳をつんざくような、耳を聞こえなくするような
rest in peace :〔魂などが〕安らかに眠る、〔霊などが〕休まる◆【略】R.I.P.
in one's name :独立して、自分の名前で

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