kuringo's Blog



2018年09月07日 20時45分04秒 | 日記



be fixated on ~ :~に執着する、~に固執する
without cease :絶え間なく
staycation :ステイケーション◆(ガソリン価格や交通運賃の値上がりが原因で)遠出せずに自宅に
       いるか、近場で日帰り旅行をして過ごす休暇◆【語源】stay-at-home + vacation
sidekick :〔親しい〕助手
computational :計算の、算定の
squash :〔厳しい言葉で人を〕黙らせる

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Daily Routine

2018年09月07日 12時30分39秒 | 日記

Push-ups :0 times
Walking :a total of 85 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :5 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for seven years and two
hundred and seventy-two days in a row.

I didn't do push-ups yesterday due maily to the internal bleeding in my left
index finger and I'm very afraid that the finger is still swollen.
I think I have to avoid doing push-ups today again.
Instead, I was able to do Jogging-on-the-spot for five minutes for the first
time in a very very long time.
I hope to continue this as part of preventive measures against low back pain.

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