kuringo's Blog



2018年09月20日 20時45分18秒 | 日記



safe house :隠れ家
save someone a seat :(人)に席を取っておく
defuse tensions :緊張を和らげる
identical :全く同じ、同一の、等しい、全く相等しい、一卵性の
Care to join us? :参加してみる?/話に加わりたい?/一緒に来る?
Care for some coffee? :コーヒーはいかが?

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Daily Routine

2018年09月20日 13時19分48秒 | 日記

Push-ups :21 times
Walking :a total of 60 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :9 minutes

Seven years and two hundred and eighty-five days in a row have passed
since I broke my smoking habit.
I was able to keep 21-time push-ups for the third successive day and
at least 15-time push-ups for the eleventh straight day.

It has been raining in Nagoya since early this morning just as weather
ladies said yesterday.
I feel the temperatures are rather low but it's not so cold maybe because
of today's higher humidity.
And maybe because of this cool weather, I've got a little hungry earlier than usual.
Now, I'm wondering if I may eat something or should do that.
Anyway, I've noticed one good thing.
That is, my low back muscle is getting stronger and stronger just little by little
surely because of continued jogging-on-the-spot.

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