kuringo's Blog



2018年09月08日 20時30分50秒 | 日記



drag :〔流体の〕抗力、抵抗◆【略】D
bummed :〈俗〉がっかりした、落ち込んだ、元気のない、へこんだ
soggy :つまらない、元気がない、無気力な
bonfire :大かがり火、野外での大きな火、たき火
s'more :《食》スモア◆焼きマシュマロと板チョコレートをグラハムクラッカーで挟んだ
recuperate :〔健康・活力を〕取り戻す、回復する

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Daily Routine

2018年09月08日 13時27分28秒 | 日記

Push-ups :0 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :5 minutes

Seven years and two hundred and seventy-three days in a row have passed
since I gave up smoking.

I didn't do push-ups for the second successive day due to the internal bleeding
in my left index finger, and I've decided not to do that today again just in case.
Contrary to weather forecasts, it's not raining in Nagoya or not cloudy, either.
It's actually sunny, but I think it will be cloudy soon because I know rainy
clouds are on the way from the west to the east.
I'm very afraid that I cannot do walking because I wear a pair of rain shoes
.......which means I almost always depend on weather forecasts.

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