kuringo's Blog



2013年03月25日 18時55分42秒 | 日記


embattled :敵(軍)に包囲された、戦闘に巻き込まれた、四面楚歌の
spirited debate :活発な議論、熱い論戦
overflight :上空侵犯、特定地域の上空通過、領空飛行
unsettled :落ち着かない、定まらない、変わりやすい、不安定な
for the moment :差し当たり、現在のところ、今のところ、当座は、目下のところ、とりあえず
take another look at :~をもう一度見る、~を見直す
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Daily Routine

2013年03月25日 12時25分32秒 | 日記
Walking: 75 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 107 days in a row.
Nine days have passed since I stopped doing push-ups due to the pain in my right elbow and
shoulder, and the pain is still here although it is getting milder and milder.
I'm planning to go and see a doctor this evening because my right fingers are a little numb.
I went to Togasa Park near Aioiyama subway station to enjoy some flowers and the Yamazaki
River near Mizuho Kuyakusho subway station where cherry blossom buds are swelling and
they will become in full bloom maybe within a week.
I really want to enjoy this spring's cherry blossoms to my heart's content.
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