


2006年07月30日 14時32分53秒 | 文献研究

本日(2006.7.30.)のボルネオ・ポスト紙より 地方選出の州会議員が、「プナン人たちのために」、プナン語のラジオ放送を許可するように、州政府に申請したらしい。
Penan on the airwave?
Lihan seeks govt nod for radio channel to cater for 10,000 semi-nomadic tribe The semi-nomadic Penan tribe roaming the deep jungles of Borneo may get their own radio channel if the State government is agreeable to the request submitted on their behalf by Telang Usan assemblyman Lihan Jok in the State Assembly recently.

This will accelerate the shift of this tribal people to the mainstream of development by effectively disseminating information to them through radio in their language,” said Lihan.・・・

Lihan pointed out that there are sufficient Penan singers and songs to merit a radio channel for this tribe. He said this is one way to highlight the rich culture of the Penans to the world.

ラジオ放送は、プナンと「われわれ (rest of us)」の間にある、教育、社会経済面での溝を埋めることになる。プナンは、ラジオを聞くことをつうじて、飛躍的にわれわれに近づくことになるだろう、とも。
“I believe the radio will narrow the gap between the Penan and the rest of us. Admittedly, this tribe is so far behind in a lot of aspects, be it education or socio-economy. But through listening to the radio in their own language, the Penans will hopefully make a quantum leap in their quest to catch with the rest of us,” said Lihan.


