

Ms Khim Sim、81歳 (T5)

2015年08月10日 | Forced Motherhood










I was a “base people” in that area. But actually KR put me in the list of the “Transfer Group” because one of my children was a soldier so they decided to put me in the list as the “Transfer Group”. For “base people”, they divided into three groups such as “Transfer group”, “Preparation group” and “Full-Rights Group”. “Transfer group” was the group of people who did not have a permanent house to live and they constantly changed their residence. When people did something wrong, they were also put into this group. For instance, teachers, soldier, police and so on from the former regime were in this group. “Preparation group” referred to a group of people who had a distinct place to live so they do not have to change the house most of the time.  “Full-rights group” was similar to preparation group but they suffered and sacrificed the most to complete the ambitious projects of KR. KR made a list of people in those groups and they noted down the names of those people accurately. 




