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2009年07月08日 | カトリック・ニュースなど

 ベネディクト十六世教皇聖下の2009年7月2日付けのエクレジア・デイ委員会についての自発使徒書簡(モートゥー・プロプリオ・ダータ)「エクレジエ・ウニターテム」(ECCLESIAE UNITATEM)のラテン語原文をご紹介します。





1. ECCLESIAE UNITATEM tueri, ut sollicite omnibus suppeditentur subsidia ad huic vocationi divinaeque gratiae consentaneis rationibus respondendum, peculiarem in modum Petri Apostoli Successoris est munus, qui perpetuum est et visibile principium fundamentumque unitatis tum Episcoporum tum fidelium1. Primum praecipuumque Ecclesiae officium omni tempore, id est homines ad Deum conveniendum perducere, iuvandum est per communem omnium christianorum fidei testificationem.

2. Erga hoc mandatum fidem servans, postquam Archiepiscopus Marcellus Lefebvre, die XXX mensis Iunii anno MCMLXXXVIII episcopalem ordinationem illicite quattuor presbyteris impertivit, Veneratus Decessor Noster Ioannes Paulus II, die II mensis Iulii anno MCMLXXXVIII Pontificiam Commissionem Ecclesia Dei instituit, "cuius erit Episcopis cooperari, Dicasteriis Curiae Romanae et circulis quorum interest, ut plenam expediat communionem ecclesialem sacerdotum, seminariorum alumnorum, communitatum aut singulorum religiosorum coniunctorum Fraternitati conditae ab Archiepiscopo Lefebvre, qui cupiant Petri Successori in Ecclesia Catholica cohaerere, suas servantes traditiones spiritales et liturgicas, iuxta Protocollum superiore die 5 mensis Maii obsignatum a Cardinali Ratzinger et ab Archiepiscopo Lefebvre"2.

3. Hoc quidem proposito idem officium fideliter sustinentes universali Ecclesiae communioni in visibili eius quoque manifestatione inserviendi, atque totis viribus contendentes ut ii omnes qui unitatem vere exoptant in ea permanere eamve reperire possint, amplificare voluimus et per Motum Proprium Summorum Pontificum aptare, ea quae in universum in Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei continentur, de ea scilicet facultate Missale Romanum anni MCMLXII per certius distinctiusque dispositas normas adhibendi3.

4. Eodem sane animo eodemque studio permoti, ut omnis scissura divisioque in Ecclesia superarentur et vulnus sanaretur quod in ecclesiali corpore magis magisque acerbum animadvertitur, excommunicationem quattuor Episcopis ab Archiepiscopo Lefebvre illicite consecratis remittere voluimus. Hac quidem deliberatione impedimentum amovere cupivimus quod detrimentum inferre posset aperiendae dialogo ianuae atque ita Episcopos «Fraternitatemque S. Pii X» invitare, ut ad plenam cum Ecclesia communionem iter denuo invenirent. Quemadmodum in Litteris die X superioris mensis Martii Episcopis catholicis destinatis planum fecimus, excommunicationis remissio deliberatio fuit ad ecclesiasticam disciplinam pertinens, qua conscientiae pondere levarentur, quod gravissima ecclesiastica censura secum fert. Sed doctrinae quaestiones, ut liquet, manent atque, usque dum non enodentur, Fraternitas canonicum in Ecclesia statutum non habet et eius ministri nullum ministerium legitime agere possunt.

5. Quandoquidem quaestiones, quae in praesenti cum Fraternitate tractari debent, essentialiter ad doctrinam spectant, decrevimus – XXI a Motu Proprio Ecclesiae Dei transactis annis atque iuxta id quod agere constituimus4 - ut Commissionis Ecclesiae Dei structura denuo componatur, dum cum Congregatione pro Doctrina Fidei arte nectitur.

6. Itaque Pontificia Commisio Ecclesia Dei ita constituitur:

a) Commissionis Praeses Praefectus est Congregationis pro Doctrina Fidei.

b) Commissio proprium habet ordinem, Secretarium et Officiales complectentem.

c) Praesidis est, Secretario iuvante, praecipuos eventus quaestionesque docrinalis indolis studio discretionique committere postulationum ordinariarum Congregationis pro Doctrina Fidei, itemque superiori Summi Pontificis iudicio conclusiones concredere.

7. Deliberatione hac paternam sollicitudinem «Fraternitati S. Pii X» peculiarem in modum ostendere voluimus ut denuo ad plenam cum Ecclesia communionem perveniat.

Omnes alacriter invitamus ad Dominum incessanter orandum, per Beatae Mariae Virginis intercessionem, «ut unum sint».

Datum Romae, apud S. Petrum, die II mensis Iulii, anno MMIX, Pontificatus Nostri quinto.



1 Cfr Conc. Oecum. Vat. II, Const. dogm. de Ecclesia, Lumen gentium, 23; Conc. Oecum. Vat. I, Const. dogm. de Ecclesia Christi Pastor aeternus, c. 3: DS 3060.

2 Ioannes Paulus II, Litt. ap. motu proprio datae Ecclesia Dei (2 Iulii 1988), n. 6: AAS 80 (1988), 1498.

3 Cfr Benedictus XVI, Litt. ap. motu proprio datae Summorum Pontificum (7 Iulii 2007): AAS 99 (2007), 777-781.

4 Cfr ibid. art. 11, 781.



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2009-07-08 22:48:18




VATICAN CITY, 8 JUL 2009 (VIS) - Given below is an English-language translation from the Italian of the Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio data" of Pope Benedict XVI, "Ecclesiae unitatem". The document concerns the structure of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" which deals with questions involving the Society of Saint Pius X and which as of now becomes dependent upon the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The original text of the Motu Proprio is written in Latin:
1. The duty to safeguard the unity of the Church, with the solicitude to offer everyone help in responding appropriately to this vocation and divine grace, is the particular responsibility of the Successor of the Apostle Peter, who is the perpetual and visible principle and foundation of the unity of both bishops and faithful. The supreme and fundamental priority of the Church in all times - to lead mankind to the meeting with God - must be supported by the commitment to achieve a shared witness of faith among all Christians.
2. Faithful to this mandate, following the act of 30 June 1988 by which Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre illicitly conferred episcopal ordination upon four priests, on 2 July 1988 Pope John Paul II of venerable memory established the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" whose task it is "to collaborate with the bishops, with the departments of the Roman Curia and with the circles concerned, for the purpose of facilitating full ecclesial communion of priests, seminarians, religious communities or individuals until now linked in various ways to the Society founded by Msgr. Lefebvre, who may wish to remain united to the Successor Peter in the Catholic Church, while preserving their spiritual and liturgical traditions, in the light of the Protocol signed on 5 May last by Cardinal Ratzinger and Msgr. Lefebvre".
3. In keeping with this, faithfully adhering to that duty to serve the universal communion of the Church, also in her visible manifestation, and making every effort to ensure that those who truly desire unity have the possibility to remain in it or to rediscover it, I decided, with the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum", to expand and update through more precise and detailed norms the general indications already contained in the Motu Proprio "Ecclesia Dei" concerning the possibility of using the 1962"Missale Romanum".
4. In the same spirit, and with the same commitment to favouring the repair of all fractures and divisions within the Church, and to healing a wound that is ever more painfully felt within the ecclesiastical structure, I decided to remit the excommunication of the four bishops illicitly ordained by Msgr. Lefebvre. In making that decision my intention was to remove an impediment that could hinder the opening of a door to dialogue and thus invite the four bishops and the Society of Saint Pius X to rediscover the path to full communion with the Church. As I explained in my Letter to Catholic bishops of 10 March this year, the remission of the excommunication was a measure taken in the field of ecclesiastical discipline, to free individuals from the burden of conscience constituted by the most serious of ecclesiastical penalties. However it is clear that the doctrinal questions remain, and until they are clarified the Society has no canonical status in the Church, and its ministers cannot legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church.
5. Precisely because the problems that now have to be examined with the Society are essentially doctrinal in nature, I have decided - twenty-one years after the Motu Proprio "Ecclesia Dei" and in keeping with what I had intended to do - to reconsider the structure of the Commission "Ecclesia Dei", joining it closely to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
6. The Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" will, then, have the following configuration:
(a) The president of the Commission is the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
(b) The Commission has its own staff, composed of the secretary and officials.
(c) It will be the task of the president, with the assistance of the secretary, to submit the principal cases and questions of a doctrinal nature for study and discernment according to the ordinary requirements of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and to submit the results thereof to the superior dispositions of the Supreme Pontiff.
7. With this decision I wish in particular to show paternal solicitude towards the Society of Saint Pius X, with the aim of rediscovering the full communion of the Church.
To everyone I address a pressing invitation to pray ceaselessly to the Lord, by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, "ut unum sint".
From Rome, at St. Peter's, 2 July 2009, fifth year of Our Pontificate.


