tetujin's blog



2022-07-28 22:54:46 | 日記

In 1945, with the defeat of Japan due to the acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration, the repatriation of Japanese residents in foreign countries began.
In Taiwan, the Japanese were not harmed or to be anxious, but the core of Taiwan's rule was seized by continental Chinese by Chen Yi's Secretary of State, and they hated the retention of Japanese troops. ..

From December of that year, 160,000 civilian employees and 320,000 civilians, a total of 480,000, began returning to Japan. Japanese expatriates living in various parts of Taiwan were gathered at one of the "centralized camp" of Keelung, Kaohsiung, and Hualien Port, and boarded from these ports.
In just two months of the first return, a total of 212 transport vessels returned nearly 230,000 Japanese.

Perhaps the young woman in yukata in her mono-chrome photo was one of the returning Japanese who expatriated in Taiwan.
Shufen tweeted that she wanted to meet the woman. She wanted to tell the woman in her photo about her father's life, where he has lived with a woman in his heart.

There are quite a few shrines around Ueno, including Ueno Toshogu. Even if the shrine can be identified in the photo, there is no clue to the woman beyond. ..
It's a story like "仲夏夜之梦".

to be continued tomorrow.

