tetujin's blog


Taiwan's ghost stories

2022-07-29 22:04:54 | joke

Taiwan's ghost stories are a little different, even if they are similar to Japan. In Taiwan, July of the lunar calendar is called "Devil Month", and it is said that the spirits of other worlds return to this world. This year is from August 8th. The beginning of the burning-midsummer ...

If you write Shufen in Chinese characters, it will be "淑恵". She wrote so in brilliant characters. ... Thought it was Japanese. Explained in English, that letter of the "淑恵" looks like a weird joke.

That's all for her story. That night I had a dream. Perhaps the story I heard from Schfen remained deep in my heart, and I had a dream like that.

In my dreams, I was on a transport ship for Japan from Taiwan the year after the defeat. The ship will soon depart. The inside of the ship was packed with many repatriations. The smell of heavy oil was so strong that I felt seasick.

During the war, the Japanese in Taiwan generally lived affluently. There was an air raid, but I didn't feel hungry.
Schools in Taiwan continued in the summer of the end of the war. Then, instead of Japanese teachers, teachers from China and Taiwan were appointed, and the lessons focused on the Mandarin language. Of the approximately 100 students in the first grade, 70% were Japanese, but the number of students attending school gradually decreased.

In a dream, the Taiwanese teacher was Shufen for some reason. Her crisp eyes changed her facial expressions from time to time. She was a department store with emotional expressions. At first glance, I fell in love with Schfen.

The day of withdrawal from Taiwan. Teacher Schfen had come to the harbor to see off her students. I squeezed through the crowds of the ship for a glance at my teacher and tried to imprint her in my memory. But I was disturbed by the many people.
The long steam whistle rang and the ship set sail while I was pushing each other on the boat. When I was desperately squeezing the people, I was suddenly beaten by a stranger in front of me and knocked out.

to be continued tomorrow

