

Tatung Jogging Club

2009年07月25日 | Weblog
Dear Takki:

It is so nice to hear from you again and to learn that you are still active in jogging.


I am pleased to learn that you are coming to Taiwan on Wednesday, 7th October night but will leave Taiwan on Monday, 12th October, so that you will not be able to attend the Stated Meeting of the Harmony Lodge on Wednesday, 14th October. However, based on your schedule, you are free in the evening of Sunday, 11th October. Could you please keep this night free, so that I can arrange to have some of our brethren have a dinner with you.

My wife and I still remember the time when we went with you to Yang Ming San(陽明山)  at 6:00 a.m. on many Sundays to run with the joggers of Tatung(大同?) Jogging Club. We enjoyed very much. Now I am still running every Sunday morning with the same group of people, but in a much lower speed, whereas most of the other members and their wives are only walking. But the gathering on early Sunday morning keeps going on. Unfortunately, you will take part in the Sun Moon Lake(日月潭) Marathon on Sunday, 11th October, otherwise we could go to Yang Ming San again.

Please give my regard to your lovely daughter.

I look forward to seeing you.

With kind regards,

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