

Vocal Variety

2009年03月20日 | トーストマスターズ
実際に発表した内容は、次のとおりです。これに対する聴衆の反応はコメント欄に掲載しました。なお、タイトルは、"Driver's licence"です。

As you know, the rural highway toll discount system will start soon. After this new system is introduced, I will have a car rented and drive to somewhere in Tohoku area for sightseeing.
The first thing I have to do is to switch my NZ driver license to Japanese one. Let me check whether it is still valid. Good! It goes 10 more months to be expired.
Looking at this license, I have recalled the hard time to get it in NZ.

NZ has a graduated driver licensing system in three stages.
The first stage is called learner license given after passing a theory test which is not so difficult.
The second stage is restricted license which requires basic driving technique.
The last stage is full license given to the qualified drivers.
When you apply for a practical driving test, you need a prior appointment and your car to bring in.

It was when I challenged for the second stage.
On that day,10 minutes before the test, a testing supervisor did a brief inspection on my old car. Then he found that a rear brake lamp was not on when he pressed down on the pedal. He explained it to me and said, "Your car is not suitable for the test. I can't let you drive under a dangerous condition."
I was surprised and replied, "Please wait a moment Sir, I think I can fix it right away. It doesn't seem to be a big problem at all."
And actually I was able to repair the lamp in a few minutes.
I spoke to the supervisor quickly, "Everything is in order Sir, Could I have the test?"
He told me indicating the clock, "Sorry, it's one minute late. No tests for you today. You can come back again."
I couldn't believe what he said and bravely claimed against it, "It's only one minute late. Please let me have the test now!"
He repeated, "No, sorry."

Rules sometimes tend to be applied toward the stricter side.
I, as a government official, have learned from this experience how our public service should be conducted.
I will try my best to apply rules toward more human friendly side.

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2 コメント

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たくさんのコメントありがとうございました。 (本人)
2009-03-20 22:23:37


Kudi:You have very unique experience.
Thank you for your wonderful speech.




Kiny:Thank you for your interesting speech. It was easy to understand and humourous.



Aky:Very aggressive speech! That gave me so much strong impression. That was simple and easy to understand. Good work.

Saky: 話し手ごとにポジションを買えていたのは、分り易かったです。
追加コメント (Tasy)
2009-03-28 09:35:38

