

50-English 再開

2020年04月22日 | 翻訳・通訳
今日は30-39の会話文です。このブログを書きながら暗記したいと思います。 毎回10の例文を参加者で暗記していきます。
30. On a day like this I would do anything for a cold drink.
I will drink to that.
31. What are you looking at?
It looks like it's going to rain any minute.
That's what I was thinking. The only problem with that is I don't have an umbrella with me now.
32. I heard you are moving to New York. Is that right?
Yes, we decided to move to New York next month.
33. Is this the ring what you were looking for?
That's right. Where did you find that anyway?
34. How much did you pay for that?
I think it was around 200 dollars, but I am not sure because I got this as a Christmas present from my uncle.
35. How do you open this door?
It's kind of tricky. You have to lift here and push forward like this. But you are not supposed to open it.
36. I hate this. This kind of thing makes me really angry.
Who wouldn't be? I don't blame you at all. I guess the next best thing you can get the refund from the company.
37. We were very sorry for all the trouble we've caused you, but that's the way it is around here. Take it or leave it.
Hey, I didn't say anything. Why do you say that.
38. Excuse me. How long will it take to fix it?
It won't take that long. At most ten minutes. You can if you want.
39. Oh my gosh. What a mess! What happened here?
Well, it looks like the problem went from bad to worse.
I don't know what to say.

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