

The Joggers Prayer (英文)

2008年09月29日 | トーストマスターズ

I have been a keen runner for more than 6 years. I had run mainly overseas especially in South Korea, Taiwan and New Zealand.
It was in a meeting room of a marathon club in New Zealand where I found a small tapestry with calligraphy written on it and titled “The Joggers Prayer”. This is a copy of the calligraphy which I take a look at home every day.
It is a spiritual and humorous poem. It encouraged me so much not only in my running but also in my life. Let me present it in detail.

Oh Lord, give me the strength to climb up the hill,
Without the need for an energy pill,
To endure the downpour of the rain,
And ignore the blisters and the pain,
To bear the track shoes as they rub,
And give me the will to pass the pub,
But most of all as time drags on,
Please let me complete the Marathon.

When we pray for something, we tend to rely on someone who has a super power. For instance, it could be Jesus Christ for New Zealanders, or Buddha for Japanese.

Accordingly the Joggers may pray for themselves to be more powerful to run up the hills. They also would pray for themselves to have stronger minds to deal with the unfavorable situations such as the chilly rain, the blisters and the pain.
They even could pray for their running shoes to last during the race.
They have to fight against the desire to take a rest at the bar on the way.
Thus they will be able to cross the finish line.

It is generally said that life is like a marathon race. I believe we can overcome any difficulties with the joggers’ spirit of never giving up as this poem indicates.

God bless you.
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3 コメント

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祈り (ひで)
2008-10-03 09:49:59
Passion (Nao)
2008-10-03 09:52:25
I understand how you have passion for running!!
Poem (Waka)
2008-10-03 09:55:32
This poem teaches how we should live our life.

