

Happy Ending

2019年03月24日 | トーストマスターズ
This is the front page of a local newspaper in NZ published on February 10th 2006.
Let me share this news story headlined “Jogger in high-speed crash” with you.
“ A jogger is in a critical condition in hospital with serious head injuries after colliding with a cyclist traveling at high-speed on a blind corner in an underpass in Hamilton

Contest chair and fellow Toastmasters.

The accident happened when I was working for the Japanese Consulate in NZ and the jogger was unfortunately my wife. In spite of intensive care for a week she had finally passed away leaving an only daughter of university student and me behind.

She was a tender mother as well as being a smart wife who left financial assets behind in that country. Therefore I had to visit the local bank where she had an account at several weeks after her funeral.

“How can I help you, Sir?”
“Well, I would like to close my wife’s account.”
“Certainly, can I ask you the reason?”
“Because she has recently died.”
“OK, in your case, please show me her last will and your passport to confirm you are the right person to inherit. ”
“Oh! As it happened all of a sudden she couldn’t make it.”
“Then you are requested to provide with other documents to prove that she has not married someone else other than you. Please bring all the copies of her family
register since her age of 16. ”
“Nonsense! I have never suspected her and still trust her. I swear I am the only
husband for her. So will you kindly omit such stressful procedure.”
“Sorry, it is not a matter of ethics but just a law requirement. ”

I had no way but to obey the law. It took 2 months to collect all the necessary
documents. But that was not enough to finish the procedure. I had to wait another 3 months for public announcement before I could withdraw cash and close her account.

It was a moment of truth when I realized that my wife’s assets did not automatically
belong to me unless she admitted it.

Learned from this experience, I immediately made my will at a local lawyers’ office and have kept it in my house for 13 years. I sincerely hope these sentences and signatures will help every procedure go smoothly not only in NZ but also in Japan.

Now it may be your turn to prepare yourself for your sudden accident for those you love as well as for the people who love you.
Wish you happy ending in your life.

Contest master!
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