

Three Mosquitoes

2014年09月05日 | トーストマスターズ
Distinguished guests, Contest Chair, fellow Toastmasters, good evening and how are you?
Unfortunately I have a little fever. I may have caught a cold. (マスク)
What ? This isn’t a cold but an Empty-wallet Syndrome or Kinketsu-Byo (金欠病).?
Well, it is true that I am trying to recover from this disease.
So may I ask anyone to provide me with the best medicine which works quickly.
Is this the one? Oh! It’s the lottery or the Jumbo Takarakuji(ジャンボ宝くじ)!!
If I could win the first prize I would be able to spend rich and happy life afterward.
I appreciate your kindness.

Speaking of diseases, I was much surprised at the news two weeks ago. It said that a rare tropical infectious disease of Dengue Fever was found in Japan for the first time in 70 years. It was also reported that most of the patients were bitten by the infected mosquitoes called Hitosuji-shimaka(ヒトスジシマカ) at the Yoyogi Park in Tokyo.

What a coincidence! I was there on the same day for running.
Worried about the virus infection to me, I consulted Dr. Naoko Takahashi of Yamada Hospital the other day. (ヤマダ病院スポーツ医学科 科長 高橋なお子医師)

“As far as I have examined your blood, Mr. Sugiyama, it doesn’t seem that you have caught Deng Fever but I guess it a kind of Running Fever. So you have nothing to worry.”
“Thank you, Doctor, but why do you think so?”
“Because healthy mosquitoes love healthy runners like you. “
“Really? Then, tell me the name of the mosquito which loves me?”
“Well. I would say, it must be Marathon-Shimaka. .(マラソンシマ<ス>カ)

Now I remember it was this kind of mosquito that bit me 12 years ago in Korea.
I regret that I have unconsciously passed my Running Fever to many people including some of our club members since then.
However thanks to my dearest mosquito, I can spend happy life with Running Fever.

Please do not forget that mosquitoes are not always harmful to humans.
I strongly hope another friendly mosquito called Toast-Shimaka(トーストシマ<ス>カ) will bring happiness to you, fellow Toast Masters!
Contest Chair!

*354 words. ( ): flip
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Comments (Club members)
2014-09-05 14:51:13



〇Good structure and well organized speech.

〇How coincidental you ran at the Yoyogi Park where infected mosquitoes bit students. So you saw an internal doctor and was told you were not infected.
(good story)

