kuringo's Blog



2021年05月07日 11時42分14秒 | 日記


nape :襟首、首筋
moon :〈俗〉尻を見せる
seductive :誘惑的な、魅惑的な
emiction :《医》排尿
imposter :〔他人になりすます〕詐欺師、詐称者、偽者、替え玉
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Daily Routine

2021年05月07日 10時59分03秒 | 日記
Push-ups :24 times
Walking :a total of 100 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

Ten years and one hundred and forty-nine days in a row have
passed since I decided against smoking.
I was able to keep 24-time push-ups for the fifth consecutive
day and over 9-time push-ups for the one year and one hundred
and thirty-third successive day.

Although it was sunny in Nagoya while I was riding my bike on
my way to the workplace, it is now quite cloudy and it looks
like it is going to start raining pretty soon.
Although the pain on the tip of my tongue is getting milder
littel by little, the sharp pain is still here.
Now I have definitely diceded to eat something nice after the
excruciating pain has completely gone.
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