kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2020年05月03日 11時08分50秒 | 日記
Push-ups :21 times
Walking :65 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes eachhe
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have been able to be a non-smoker for nine years and one hundred and
forty-six days in a row.
I was able to keep at least 10-time push-ups for the one hundred and
thirtieth successive day including the most recent twenty-four days
of 21-time push-ups.

It has been cloudy in Nagoya since this morning and sometimes sunny.
I feel it is much milder than yesterday because yesterday's highest
temperatue in Nagoya was over 30 degrees but today's is forecasted
to be 24 degrees, down as many as 6 degrees from yesterday.
I noticed that the number of people wearing face masks was apparently
smaller than usual while I was riding my bike on my way to the workplace.
I guess that it might be becasue Nagoya saw the hottest day yesterday.
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2020年05月03日 10時19分48秒 | 日記


happen for a reason :〔事件などが〕起こるべくして(意味があって)起こる
viaduct :〔鉄道や道路の〕高架橋◆細いコンクリート脚や石造のアーチで支える橋。
elevated bridge :高架橋
impart delight :喜びを与える、楽しませる
citrus :《Citrus》《植物》〔学名の〕ミカン[カンキツ]属
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