kuringo's Blog



2015年05月24日 18時59分22秒 | 日記


                THE WASHINGTON POST:

stake :利害関係、〔ある状況の〕危険の度合い
Poseidon :《ギリシャ神話》ポセイドン、海の神◆【同】Neptune◆ゼウス(Zeus)の兄弟。
face off :対決する
dredge :〔川や湾などの〕浚渫機◆水路を確保するため、または鉱物の水中採掘のために使われる。
gloss over :〔都合の悪いことを〕隠す、もっともらしく言い紛らす、言い繕う、うまく取り繕う
vis-a-vis :~と向かい合って、~に対する、~に関して、~に相対して、~と差し向かいに
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Daily Routine

2015年05月24日 12時16分29秒 | 日記

Push-ups:21 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Four years and 167 days in a row have passed since I shook off a bad habit of smoking.
I tried increasing the number of push-ups by only one time to 21 times and kept
over 19-time push-ups for two consecutive days.
The canker sore at the root under the tongue is still here now, but actually
it's getting milder and milder....what a relief!
I've recognized I really have to be careful about how to brush my teeth,
masticate or chew food, move my tongue and irritation by tartar.
Well, I've decided to see a dentist to have my tartar removed as the first
step after the canker pain.
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