kuringo's Blog



2015年05月06日 15時57分34秒 | 日記

                THE WASHINGTON POST:

orchid :《植物》ラン、蘭、蘭の花
intricate :入り組んだ、込み入った、もつれた、錯綜した、複雑な、難解な
tea flavor :茶の風味
petit four :〈フランス語〉プチフール◆一口サイズの小さな菓子(ケーキやクッキー)
unsweetened :甘くしていない、甘味を加えていない
garnish :〔料理の〕付け合わせ、つま

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Daily Routine

2015年05月06日 12時03分20秒 | 日記

Push-ups:21 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Four years and 149 days in a row have passed since I kicked smoking.
Happily, I really managed to try increasing the number of push-ups by
one time again to 21 times and kept over 17-time push-ups for the fourth
straight day.
Yesterday I happened to start some kinds of solitaire in my PC and...
very unhappily....I got compulsive and hooked on them.
At last, I found I had played them for about six hours......Oh, my!
Well, I have to declare I will never play solitaire again!!!!!!!!!!
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