kuringo's Blog



2015年05月03日 12時31分13秒 | 日記

                THE WASHINGTON POST:

leave it to :(人)に任せる、~に委ねる
dazzle :輝くもの、まぶしい光、まぶしさ、輝き
wonky :〈米俗〉がり勉の、くそ真面目な、勤勉な
replete with :~でいっぱいの、~の充実した
songstress :女性歌手、歌姫、女流詩人、雌の鳴き鳥
regal :(帝)王の、王者らしい、堂々とした、威厳がある、豪奢な
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Daily Routine

2015年05月03日 12時09分45秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18 times
Walking:a total of 40 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Four years and 146 days in a row have passed since I gave up smoking.
I managed to resume push-ups yesterday from 18 times, down two times
from the previous record.
It's sunny in Nagoya and sometimes cloudy with a little high humidity.
I remember I was in Tokyo on this day last year and I really feel
time has gone so quickly.
Anyway, I'd like to make a fresh departure with a fresh determination.
Well, I do my best for English and mathematics.
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