いか@ 筑豊境 寓 『看猫録』

Across a Death Valley with my own Distilled Resentment

You had a hundred billion chances ......

2007年04月21日 16時14分40秒 | その他
-- "You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today. But you decided to see my Bloody Cats. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have Bloody Cats in your eyes that will never wash off." --

originated by, of cource, the literate and armed Crazy Man.


snobsの訳語が、 いか@さま師(願わくば、いか@さま野朗) になりつつある。

It's very nice for me, a great Ika@sama-Yaro.