

Professionalism プロフェッショナリズム

2013-02-19 23:10:26 | 医学教育
What I think most important as a medical professional is time management, prioritization, and appropriate chart documentation. "Nine to five" business hours are critical to do most of the important tasks during the day.

There are many other things to consider as a professional.

1. Patient confidentiality 守秘義務

2. Conflict of interest 利益相反

3. Power or sexual harassment パワー、セクシャルハラスメントに対して敏感

4. Patients' best interest 患者の最善の利益

5. Patient safety 患者の安全

What I have been impressed with my mentors are;

They are very generous, flexible, supportive, and always very friendly.

They never ever abuse authorities, or administrative power.

I have learned "professionalism" or "professional behaviors" mostly from my mentors.

This was "hidden curriculum" during my residency or fellowship.

Organizational culture 組織文化, practice culture 診療文化, learning environment 学習環境
are the most important factors to promote professionalism.