

Sano City Lomen 佐野ラーメン初めて食べました!

2013-02-03 20:17:42 | プライベート
It was a very nice sunny day today. I enjoyed brunch with my lovely husband and we drove to Sano City to take some rest and off work. We tried the most popular "Sano City Lomen" today.

It was a nice driving experience. I was the driver to get used to our car.





The Second TEME was very successful!

2013-02-03 00:45:24 | グローバリゼーション関連
We had the second TEME (Teaching and Learning Medicine in English) Seminar today (February 2, 2013). I was so pleased to see very motivated and enthusiastic individuals from all over Japan, such as Fukuoka, Hokkaido, Aomori, etc... Two educational cases were presented and constructive and insightful discussion occurred. I plan to do the third session in June or July. I also plan to call for "TEME Shapers" to support this event among the participants or those who are interested in this activity. I am hoping that "TEME Shapers" would be "Global Shapers" in the near future! So exciting. See you next time.

第2回 TEMEはとっても楽しい会になりました。盛会に終わり、ほっとしています。2例の症例もとても教育的で、よいディスカッションができたと思います。

次回、第3回は6-7月ごろに開催したいと思います。次回から、TEME Shapersという、この活動をactiveにサポートしてくださる(運営を一緒に考え、活動を参加者主体のものに一緒に指定ってくださる)方を募集する予定です。TEME Shapersが、将来、Global Shapers 世界を変える人になることを、期待しています!