2008年9月29日に宿泊した「ユナイテッド・ホテル(The United Hotel、國聯大飯店)」(台北市大安區光復南路200號)は、華美な装飾を抑え、ビジネス客をターゲットとしたホテルです。「飯店簡介(About us)」でもしっかりとうたっています。
國聯飯店是國内第一家以極簡(Minimalism)為主要設計架構的時尚商務飯店,捨去華麗的廊柱及誇張的水晶吊飾,以隱藏於壁面所投射出的柔和光線,及自然建材的搭配,將飯店内的氛圍呈現出内斂簡約的舒適感。(The United Hotel has been offering outstanding accommodation and service to guests since the first day we dedicated to this business. Unlike many hotels in Taipei, the United Hotel embraces a simple, natural, minimalist approach, without extravagant pillars and crystal chandeliers. Rather, soft concealed lighting and simple yet stylish furniture enhance the beautiful sense of space and harmony, bringing balance and perspective to our hectic lives.)
國聯大飯店座落於光復南路上,位處繁華熙攘的東區商業金融中心,距離捷運站步行僅一分鐘,鄰近世貿中心、101 大樓、國父紀念館、東區及信義精華商圈,無論在交通、購物、商業、金融等各項生活機能均擁有得天獨厚的優勢。(With an excellent location in the center of Taipei City, and close to the most convenient transportation services, the United Hotel is one of the best choices for the business traveler.)