

2014年05月05日 | たばこ弁護の諸説紹介


On Friday, May 2, Matsuyama Chiharu, a friend of Master Tsurube, appeared on "a-studio.
He was told by his mentor, who was willing to give up his own job to help Chiharu Matsuyama make his debut, "At this point, I want you to stop only one of alcohol, cigarettes, and women."
Chiharu Matsuyama replied, "I can't stop women because they come to me even if I try to stop them. I love cigarettes, so I have no intention of stopping. So I will stop drinking," he replied, and he is still keeping his promise to he late mentor to this day.
He says that some of his fellow musicians worry that smoking cigarettes is inevitably bad for his throat.
However, he said that this is definitely not the case.
He assured us, "I don't sing with my throat, I sing with my heart."
I take my hat off to Chiharu Matsuyama for his unwavering sense of life.
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