kuringo's Blog



2024年03月20日 11時47分36秒 | 日記


ride-sharing arrangement :自動車相乗り通勤の相手の選択や条件の手配
in areas around :~の周辺地域で
in short supply :不足して
field trip :現地調査旅行、校外学習、校外見学、社会見学、遠足
tourist destination :観光目的地
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Daily Routine

2024年03月20日 10時35分46秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :40+40=1 hour 20 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot : 0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

Thirteen years and one hundred and three days
have passed since I broke free from cigarettes.
I was able to keep 23-time push-ups for the
eighteenth consecutive day and greater than 9-
time push-ups for the two hundred and eighth
successive day.

It has been raining since late at night yesterday
in Nagoya and it is still raining but it is a
light rain.
I feel pretty cold now, and it is no wonder
because the current temperature is 6.2 degrees,
which I think is very low for this time of year.
Even so, I saw the buds on the cherry trees in
a park on the way to the workplace have swollen
and their tips are starting to turn white.
I cannot wait, but being teased is also a pleasure.
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