kuringo's Blog



2016年02月18日 17時47分18秒 | 日記


courtship :求婚、〔結婚を目的とした〕求愛
chirp :〔鳥や虫が〕さえずる、甲高く鳴く
ripple :〔流れなどが〕ピチャピチャ[サラサラ]と音を立てる
on offer :売りに出されて
lush greenery :豊かな[豊富な]緑
parting :出発、いとま乞い、告別、別れること、別離、別れ
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Daily Routine

2016年02月18日 12時54分33秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Five years and seventy-one days have passed since I got rid of my smoking habit.
Because I don't want to chew with my left back teeth, I have stopped doing push-ups
but now I'm wondering if I should restart them before my arms' muscle has been weakened.

It's beautifully sunny again in Nagoya and happily, weahter officials say
tomorrow's highest temperture will be 14 degrees, which means people are
likely to take off winter coats during the warmth.
Indeed, this winter is warmer than usual and I may have to start planning
to go to Nagoya Agricultural Center in Hirabari to enjoy seeing peach blossoms.
The center's weeping peach trees or Shidare Ume is really well known to the public.
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