kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2016年02月17日 13時20分47秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking:a total of 50 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I have succeeded in keepin myself from smoking for five years and seventy days in a row.
I did't do push-ups yesterday and today agin I'm not going to do them,
just in case.

I had my hair cut at one of QB's shops for 1,080 yen, which is budget-friendly for anyone.
And I did a walking from Subway Irinaka Station to Subway Mizuho Undoujou Nishi.
It took about 45 minutes, a little shorter than I had expected.
Last night, my earbuds failed to operate properly and now I'm wondering if I should
use a pair of headphones this time.
Well, I got nasal inflammation yesterday while I was on a subway train to Irinaka.
I suspect some ingredient of perfume or something for women is my allergen.
Still now, my nose tickles.
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