


2013-01-23 | Weblog

Elementary School

  Sanday was not fun
But be glad that it is done
We will clean it up

Children are gifts from
Some unknown place, to be loved
With sweet abandon.

Opening presents
Look at the toys I,ve gotten
Calling all my friends

Went to LEGO store
Rode Mammoth Holiday World
I lost my 5TH tooth

Birthday of Jesus
Christmas is about giving.
But sometimes you get.

Have a plan always
Do what,s right and never quit.
Plannning is awesome!

I like to read books.
I will clean my room up now.
I will help my sis.

Middle School

I see it happen   
But no one will help. I will.
Stop bullying now.

Viral videos
"Gangnam Style" is the best song
P-S-Y for life!

Killing off people
Down in Syria--not cool!
Man, you got to stop

High School

Things aren,t what they seem
Find the truth for your own place
It will be all right.

Silentry I prayed;
that everything I knew would
make my dreams come true.

Heroes among us,
Solders fighting for our lives,
Protect our country.

Well, we,re all still here.
I guess the Mayans were wrong.
The sun still rises.

Surprise Tornado---
March 2nd, 2012,
People lost their homes!

Open up your mind
and see the universe where
there were only walls.
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