


2015年09月30日 | カンボジアのジェンダー規範








  1. People think women should stop working after childbirth: women must respect husbands
  2. Women get less salary for the same job as men: never be properly paid
  3. Women have less access to resources: discourage women to start business
  4. Traditional perception towards women- women themselves hold back not to get high position
  5. Laid off first when crisis
  6. Lower skilled, limited job opportunities




  1. Breast cancer: high level of prevalence
  2. Menstrual cycle- period time not feeling well; do not see doctors- they think it easy
  3. HIV/AIDS: unprotected sex
  4. Phi…..cancer
  5. Unprotected sex
  6. Reproductive health/sexuality



  1. Early marriage: Women feel shy to continue studying
  2. Low education due to poverty: migration to cities to support family
  3. Perception of parents towards girls education: Some parents make decision for daughters
  4. Women must take care of parents
  5. No power for decision- follow parents decision to stop
  6. Women easily cheated- and trafficked


Political decision making

  1. Traditional discrimination against women: men do not value women, women do not value/believe themselves
  2. Women have lots of work at home: must responsible for work
  3. Women can not go far away: security, childcare
  4. Women can not work while pregnancy
  5. Women have period so difficult to work
  6. Women incapable to be top 


