


2005年01月12日 | NOVA L4レッスン


ただ先生だからと、名前にMrs.って着けたら、下の名前につけちゃだめ!名字だけ!って そっから転び・・ そーいや、キャラクター全員名字考えてないし!ぜーんぶ下の名前だけだった 

電話の向こう側で・・と書こうと、on the opposite side of the phone て無理やり表現してみた箇所は、other end of the phone となりました。 そーいや、なんかのレッスンの時、聞いた事があったような・・・。



Actually もなんだかよく直される、れもン。使うところ微妙に違っているらしい・・。 
今回は、Actuallyは、I seem to に直されました。簡単そうで、意外と使いにくい(れもンだけか?!)単語です・・。

ドキドキとしたっていうので、いつもheart beat fastを使っていたけれど、heart skip a beatっていうのもあるんだよ って教えてもらいました。「キュン」みたいな感じの時に使うようです。

silvia先生のことを、「一言多い人」って言いたくて、でもいえなくて、回りくどい説明を必死にしてたら、"put (my) foot in it." "She's always putting her foot in it."って言うんだよって教えてくれました。ついでに、"Let the cat out of the bag."は、人の秘密を喋っちゃう人の事だそうです。

それから、小説の最後や、ドラマとかの最後に、次回がどうなっちゃうんだろう???っていう終わり方のことを、"end of a cliff-hanger"って言うそうです。

難しかったけれど、収穫も多かったレッスンでした。 あとは、忘れないようにするだけ・・・(それが問題・・



2005年01月12日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
Richard went to his room and he got a camera and said,
"Sally! Come on! We'll go to the flower park! Did you remember that?"
He was taking Sally's arm and going out with no regard for the fact that she was confused. Sally felt a little better and she said,
"OK, Richard, We'll go there! but please wait a second. I want to change my clothes and fix my make up! Wait! Please!"
Richard said,
"No problem! You're always beautiful girl in the world!"
"In the world?"
Sally looked embarrased and happy.
"Of course! My princess, Let's go!"

(at the flower park)
Unfortunately the roses were almost gone , but Richard didn't care about flowers. He'd been taking a lot of pictures for Sally. Sally was bewildered. She has kept her ex-boyfriend's picture all the time. Richard doesn't know about it. She was thinking about Steve for a while in front of Richard. Then she looked around the park slowly. It had happend. She couldn't believe her eyes. Steve and Linda were there and there were holding hands each other.
Sally didn't know why she held Richard's hand. Richard was surprised , but he was easy. He felt really happy and he came to life. After they had lunch, he called out to Sally. And then he said ,
"Please close your eyes, Sally."
"Close my eyes? Why? "
Sally asked him. He didn't answer ,just smiled. Sally closed her eyes, after that she was given something like a little box with a ribbon.

