


2005年02月28日 | にっき





2005年02月26日 | にっき

もう仕事も忘れました・・・!ってくらいバイトに行っていないような気が・・・。でも、まあ、食品扱うところだから、完全に治さないことには・・・ 行ってはいけないような気がして・・。昨日再度病院に行ったところ、まだ喉が赤いから、お風呂はまだダメって言われる始末・・。ぷ~ん・・


ノバにいけないのも、なんだか不安なので これまたハリーの朗読CD聴きながら寝たりとか(苦笑) ジタバタやってます。


Sally&Richard 第20話

2005年02月22日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
Sally already didn't understand herself. She met a counselor who is Silvia's friend,Laura. Laura didn't say "You shoud..." she just listened . Sally trusted her.

Steve yearned for everyone especially girls. Sally boasted of her boyfriend who was smart and good at all sports. But she was always worried about him having a secret love with someone who was younger than her. She had no confidence in his love. She always asked him ,
"Who was that girl who spoke withe you? You looked like you were having fun. What did you talk about? " or "Do you love me?"
Steve looked tired of Sally. Suddenly Steve said good bye. Sally cried every night. She was convinced that it was a nightmare not reality.

Sally's first session was over. Laura said,
"See you next week at the same time."
Sally nodded . She didn't do anything at home expect read. She was given several books by Laura. Laura has never forced her to read books. but she knew that they would help Sally. Sally has been reading for a week.
<Next week>
"Hello, Sally. You look good, don't you?"Laura said.
"Hello, Laura." Sally replied.
"Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. so, How do you feel nowadays?" asked Laura.
Sally said,
"Nothing particularly,but I haven't thought about Steve for a few days. Well, I'm reading the book I borrowed from you last week. I was concentrated all the time."
Laura said,
"It's great. Do you want to talk about Steve more today?"
"I don't know. I just...you know, Steve was a nice parson, but I never had peace of mind with him. I loved him very much, but it was the most difficult time of my life when I was with him." Sally told Laura.

S&R 和訳へジャンプ



2005年02月21日 | にっき



さっき電話して2月中の予約を全てキャンセルしました。ああ、不安。頻繁に通ってると、1週間も休むのが なんだか怖いれもンなのでした。


Sally&Richard 第19話

2005年02月19日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
In the afternoon Sally's doctor showed up and he said to Sally.
"You are fine now. I'll give you a prescription, You'll able to go home."
Silvia was greatly relieved about that. However,she felt worried about Sally's future at the same time.

Sally was taken to go home by Silvia. They were walking down the lobby of the hospital when all of a sudden they met Linda coincidence, Linda stared at them.
"That's amazing. What are you guys doing?"
Sally said nothing and Silvia was terrified. Linda said,
"Do you have some spare time? There is a nice cafe around here. Let me buy you some tea. I want to chat with you."
Silvia didn't understand Linda's act.

Linda pretended to e cheerful. She wanted to leave as soon as possible. But she felt it was a little strange, and she asked her to have a coffee with her. She didn't have anything to say to Sally. She was happy everyday except for Sally's problem. She had known Sally's situation. but, Sally didn't know that she already had known about Steve.

"I'm worried about you. because you haven't called me since you came to my house.Ah..How was Richard? I caught a glimpse of him at a cafeteria with...ah, no, no, the day before yesterday."
She spoke ambigupusly. Sally reacted "with".
"What did you say? Who was there with him? Where were they?"
Linda was surprised and said
"I didn't say "with"! and, That might be a misunderstanding..I don't know for sure..your husband's face..OH! I have to go! Sorry, Sally and Silvia. See you!"
Linda got up and hurried out.

Sally and Silvia exchanged looks with each other. They didn't understand Linda's act. Anyway, they were talking about trivial things. Then Silvia said seriously.
"Sally, What should you do? You have a very serious situation,don't you?"
Sally replied,
"Well.., you already know , don't you? Richard must be with Marie. I knew that Richard is Marie's type. but I trusted him, therefore it's totaly my fault. I have been thinking about Steve all the time. I've never forgotten him. He and I had a really nice relationship, I thought . However, I was abandoned by him , because of my jealousy. He must have been fed up with me. but..., I can't give him up even Linda has a baby."
Silvia said,
"It's...dificult to say, but I really recommend you get some counseling. I know a good psychiatrist we can trust."
Sally nodded and said.
"I'll try it! Thank you Silvia. I need the help!"




2005年02月18日 | ノート
本日のレッスンは フリーマーケットでの値段交渉。

He has a keen eye. 目利き

You must be out of your mind! (法外な値段を付けられたりとか、自分は価値が無いと思っているものなのに、予想以上に支払うといわれた時など。 crazy/mad/a nutter(スラング)

○must be (must have been)
○can't be (can't have been)

Can't be THAT old(new,expensive...)
そんなに古くないだろ? そんな新しいわけないだろ? そんな高価なわけないだろ?

It can't be more than $5,000.  5000ドルもするわけないだろ?(それより安いはずだ)
It can't be less than $5,000. 5000ドルより安いわけないだろ?(もっと価値があるはずだ)

That's a nice ***.
How much do you want for (it)?
I'll give you $150 (for it).

How much will you give me for it?

A hundred for THAT?? You must be MAD!!

I'll let you have it for....
That's my final offer...

How about $80?
Let's say $65!
If you throw (that) in , I'll buy (it). もし、あれをおまけに付けてくれたら、それを買う



Oh, That's a nice pen....!
Hi !! Are you interested in this pen?!
Yes... How much do you want for it?
Hummm... Let me think..., It's 10,000 yen !
Hah?! 10,000 yen?! You must be MAD!
Oh, ohh.. but It has my great memories... When I used to live in Austraria, Brad Pitt gave me his signature . He used this pen! It has his finger prints..

と、なぜかオーストラリアなのに、ブラピ・・ そして、さらに訳のわからんことに、指紋ついてるし!と意味不明な付加価値を!

今度は交代で、れもンがお客さん。5000円って言われたハンカチを、イキナリ500円くらいだろって言ったら、またも、You must be MAD!って言われた!れもンは売り手でも買い手でも、ばかいっちゃいかんよ!!と言われる運命らしい。

It seems 500yen...I've seen same handkerchief....It was 500 yen. and, It was brand-new...

で、どうしても値段が落ちないので、Final ooffer で、1100円って言っても、1500円だって言われ・・むむむむ!!!

と、ボールペンを取って、If you give me this pen I'll buy it, 1500yen. とかなんとか無理やり言って、Ok! と売ってもらったのでした。ギャレスにAre you Kansai-jin?って言われた!


It has a lot of memories attached to it.
I'm very attached to it..
It means a lot to me.


Unit 24

2005年02月17日 | 勉強会・短編
Lydia was obedient. She was always under her father's thumb. Her father was strict, has a strong desire. He always think about only his company to became bigger and bigger.
Lydia didn't love her husband,John. She has loved a butler, Harold for neary 40 years.
Of course, her father didn't approve between Lydia and Harold.
Her father didn't like John, either. but, he was clever and one of ability employee. Her father needed his brains. Her father made marry his daughter,Lydia to John.
John wasn't interested in Lydia, but he was interested in her father's property a lot. He approached himself to her.

They had a child, J.D.
J.D was a good-for-nothing son for John. Lydia dote on her child. John hate his son. John didn't pick him up even once when J.D was arrested or made took him out of school .
Finaly, John said to Lydia , if J.D wasn't my son. He must be you and Harold's son. If J.D. was my real son, he would be clever.

John was a playboy. He had a lot of women. One of his lover, Charles's mother who was his ex-secretary set a trap on Lydia's horse's reins. Lydia had a riding accident. She got a seriously injured.

When Lydia's father had a spasm of heart, John was there, but he didn't take him to the hospital soon, and her father died.

John got all of the company and power. Lydia noticed John's deep-laid plot that plan was divorce her, all fo employees who were old president's faction, and J.D. out.
After that, John would remarry with Charles's mother.

Lydia hid a gun under her rug.
First of all, she shot his legs. After he fall down, she shot his sholder, belly and last shot was his heart. She throw the gun beside his dead body.







Lydia seemed to be a good daughter and always under her father's thumb. Her father was strict. He had only one desire. He would always think about making his company bigger and more powerful.

Lydia didn't love her husband,John. She had loved the butler, Harold for neary 40 years.
Of course, her father didn't approve of Lydia and Harold(s relationship. Her father didn't like John, either. but John was clever, and one of his most able employees. Her father needed his brains. He made his daughter,Lydia marry John.

John wasn't interested in Lydia, but he was very interested in her father's property. So, he proposed to her and they were married.

They had one child, J.D.
J.D. was a good-for-nothing son for John, but Lydia doted on her child. John hated his son. John didn't pick him up even once when J.D. was arrested or take interest when he was thrown out of school. Finaly, John said to Lydia, he didn't believe that J.D. was his son. he thought J.D. must be Lydia and Harold's son. "If J.D. was my real son, he would be clever." John declared.

John was a playboy. He had a lot of women . One of his lovers, his ex-secretary and Charles's mother set a trap on Lydia's horses's reins. Lydia had a riding accident. She was seriously injured and confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

When Lydia's father had a heartattack, John was there, but he didn't rush to take him to the hospital. and her father died.
John got all of the company and the power.

Lydia saw through John's deep-laid plot. He planned to divorce her, all of the employees who were part of the old president's faction, and to kick J.D. out. After that, John would remarry with Charles's mother.

Lydia hid a gun under her rug and waited for the right moment.
"If I can't walk, why should you?!" she screamed.
First of all, she shot both his legs. After he had fallen down, she shot his sholder, his stomach and the last shot was to his heart.
"That's for breaking mine!" she sobbed.
She threw the gun down beside his dead body and fled....




馬小屋 stavle
豚小屋 sty
ニワトリ小屋 coup
鳥小屋 avery(many birds)
犬小屋 kennel
うさぎ小屋 hutch(pet)/ warren (wild)

see through/ I saw through your plans!

flee/ run away/ escape/ get away
何も走らなくても、立ち去った(逃げた)のなら、feel、fun awayというらしい。
escapeだと走り去ったみたいなイメージがあるので、車椅子で逃げたのなら、feelなどがいいらしい。あ!あと、アプローチは意味合いがちょっと違うらしい。れもンの中でアプローチっていったら、もう自分をアピールして、交際申し込んでる勢いなんだけど、ただ、近寄って行ったってだけで、何をしたの?みたいな・・・ で、好きだって言ったりとか・・って言ったら、じゃあ、プロポーズだねって言われました。

Leave/Quit (school/college/a job) 自分の意思で辞めること。
be thrown out of (school/college) 辞めさせられること。
be fired from a job クビになる

have an injury
to be injured


Sally&Richard 第18話

2005年02月16日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
Linda had been waiting to see an obstetrician. She felt hungry. She thought that it would take a long time until she would be called. She went to a store which was on the 4th floor in the hospital.so, there was the store near the emergency ward that Sally was carried and ill in bed.

Linda met Silvia in front of an elevator. They were surprised to see each other. Silvia said ,
"Hi, Linda. How have you been?"
Linda answered,
"Hi, Silvia. I'm Ok..., but I'm worried about Sally...Sally is my friend. I don't know what to do I say....I don't want to believe that she still loves my fiance, Steve. Actually, I saw her photo of Steve that she always keeps in her notebook. I asked Steve if he knows Sally. He hesitantly told me everything. I know that he had a girlfriend before he went out with me,and... I didn't worry about ex-girlfriend, because it was over. I didn't know that the ex-girlfriend was Sally...! and she still loves...loves..my..!! "
Silvia didn't say anything,just gave her a squeeze.

Linda asked,
"Ah....Silvia..,Why are you here? Do you have some trouble?"
Silvia said,
"Nothing..I just visited my old friend in the hospital. I'm Ok. Don't worry , Linda."

Silvia understood clearly now. When she went back to Saly's ward, Sally was sleeping due to her medicine. Silvia checked her bag and found Richard's phone number. She was feeling guilty for not consenting Sally, but she didn't have a choice at the moment . Silvia tried to contact Richard.but couldn't get through. He must have changed his phone number she thought. The situation was very serious she didn't know what to do.




2005年02月16日 | にっき
ちらし鮨を家で作ってたら、ふと、英語でなんていうんだろ・・・?と思い、辞書で引いてみたら、「rice dressed with vinegar and topped with egg and seafood(served in a box or bowl)って書いてあった! な、長い・・・。

ちなみにイクラはsalmon roe  ついついeggって言いたくなるけど、それは鶏卵だから違うのか・・と、ふと思ってしまった。


魚の体内の卵は 「row」


なんだか気になってしまった れもンでした・・・。


Sally&Richard 第17話

2005年02月15日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
There was a long awkward silence. Marie broke the silence and she said,
"Sally, What do you want to do? and What did you do?"
Sally asked,
"What do you mean?"
Marie said,
"Don't you understand? I don't hate you, but I don't understand you. Why did you marry Richard? What do you think of Richard?"
Marie was excited and continued.
"You were loved by Richard and You know that, don't you? but your're always thinking about Steve who is your ex-boyfriend. Do you understand how terrible it was? Richard got hurt but believed you. You went to see Linda who is Steve's fiancee, didn't you? What did you want? Did you want to take him back and get married to Steve? Did you want a divoce if you took back Steve? Richard is your husband and Linda is your friend. You're crazy!! Richard is too good for you! .....I'm sorry,please leave me alone."

"Ah....Sorry Marie...I....I......."
Sally didn't know what she should say. She couldn't find any words.
"Please get out of my sight!"
Marie shouted and cried.

Sally lost her friend and her husband at the same time. She left Marie's home silently and went to the bar which she used to go to with Marie. She ordered a glass of beer and was crying. Suddenly she remembered that she had just broke up with Steve when she met Richard. He was really kind and had a nice attitude. She thought about Richard at the moment. Her body started trembling. She couldn't stop shaking. The bartender was scared by her and asked her,
"Are you Ok? Your face is pale."
She said nothing and she lost consciousness. When she recovered , she was on a bed at the hospital. She was accompanled by one of the bar staff. They tried to contact one of Sally's connections..but it wasn't succeed without Silvia. Silvia arrived at the hospital after a while. Then the staff left. Silvia was shocked and almost lost her head and asked Sally.
"What's happened? Has Richard come yet?"
Sally said ,
"He hasn't come. I lost everything."
Silvia didn't understand at first what she meant , but she predicted a bad situation.

