


2008年10月07日 | NOVA L4レッスン



レストランで だれもオーダーを取り来てくれなくて、1時間以上まってるという設定で、キツク言うよう任務が言い渡されていたのですね。 


とはいえ、あまり日常生活でも 何かをスタッフに言うときに 最初からキツイ言い方をしないので、 なんていっていいのか分からないので、とりあえず、

Excuese me!というのを はっきり強めに言ってみました。 さすがに、いきなり Hey You !! はないだろうと・・ 

ところが、ペアを組んだ方が 先生からの任務では 丁寧な応対をするはずのウェイターなのに、えらく、言い訳ばっかりして、態度のよろしくないウェイターを演じ始めちゃって、また、そのウェイターの態度が実に 「・・・」な感じだったので、本気で ムッとしてしまった 私でした 


私は キツイお客さん役だったので、 そちらがそうくるなら・・・・と、とことん言い返してみました 笑。 なんか、変なバトルになってました 笑。





I have been waiting for ages !!  って言ってみました この前、イングリッシュチャンネル  で 習った、for ages を使ってみました。


・・・とはいえ、最初 間違えて、since ages とか言っちゃて、先生に for agesって言い直されて、 ああ・・そうでした・・!!  次からは間違えないぞ!! 


I think, she has been sitting there for about 20min , she came into your restaurant after me ! and, she's already eating !!

かなりヒートアップして 収拾つかなくなってきてWhat ' s your name?! I don't want talking with you any more!!   Can I talk with your boss?!

と、がんばって 文句いいまくりました 













F42 what's the secret of your success ?

2008年08月24日 | NOVA L4レッスン


L4っていうと L5から上がってきたばかりな人~もうちょっとでL3に手が届く人までいるわけで、L3の壁ってすごく厚く高いから 同じL4でも レベルが随分違うんだろうなぁ。。。って感じがします。 いっそ、7C、7B、7Aみたいに、L4も 4B、4Aとかって、二つに分けてもいいくらいじゃ。。なんて。。



生徒さんの発言の中に出てきた単語が意味が分からなくて(でも、他の方は分かってるみたい) 勇気を出して、どういう意味か 講師が紙にその意見を記入してるときに、”Excuse me.....”って その意味なんぞやと 質問しました。 


その生徒さんたちはよく同じ時間帯のレッスンであうみたいで、かなり親密仲良しこよしみたいで、講師もそれを良く知ってるからか、途中内輪の話が混じってくると(昔受けたレッスンでの話とか?)、「???」となってしまいました   その笑いのツボ(元ネタ?)が分からなくって。 くっそ~、早く私も 馴染んでみせる   


テキストは、Main Language をさらっと読み合わせして、意味をチェックしただけで、後は、テキストなしで、英語を勉強するに当たっての悩み相談をして、それに対してアドバイスをするっていうやり取りの練習をしました。   


レッスン、なかなか楽しかったです で、家に帰ってきてから、早速 復習を。。(超めずらしく。。) あまり、テキストを使わなかったので、単語のチェックを。。

左ページの写真右のところ、分からない単語が沢山 聞いた事あるけど覚えてないのとかも入れると・・ うぉ。。。ここの説明からやってたら、レッスン大変だったろうなぁ・・なんて思いつつ。。

 short-term  短期間の    long-term 長期の

lasting a short time.

 reassess  再評価する。 

to think again about sth to decide if you need to change your opinion of it.

 priority (~より)重要なこと、優先

sth that you think is more important than other things and should be dealt with first.

 procrastinate ぐずぐずする、先に延ばす。

to delay doing sth that you should do, usually because you do not want to do it.

 decisive  明白な、決定的な

very important for the final result of a particular situation.

 determination 決意

the quality that makes you continue trying to do sth even when this is difficult.




ま、でも分からない、出来ないから レッスン受けに行ってるんだから、ひるまない 



 ↑で、教わった言い方で 「あの~、すいまっせ~ん・・・」って 聞きなおせばいいんだ。。

Excuse me, what was that again??

Pardon me, could you repeat that please?

I beg your pardon, whould you mind repeating that?

I'm sorry , I didn't get the last part.

May I interrupt? I didn't catch that.

I didn't get that, you lost me!!








文法強化レッスン 10回目

2005年10月20日 | NOVA L4レッスン

今日は、both , either, neither の使い分け。


both=the two

either=one or the other.

niether=not the one nor the other

I want both books.
① OK ② OK
You can't have either book.
① NG ② NG
You can have neither book
① NG  ② NG

both of them are ok.
either of them are ok.
①も②もOK だけど、どちらか一方を選ぶ
neither of them are  ok.
neither of them are bad.

Both of them are good.
Both are good.

Either of them are fine.
Either is fine.

Neither of them are bad.
Neither is bad.


I would like to visit either Osaka or Tokyo again.
Neither Tokyo nor Osaka was boring.
Neither city is large, they are both small.
I put candles on both , You can use either room .
Bothe bag are heavy. I can't lift either bag .
I haven't seen either of my parents for weeks. They 're both busy.

I'll either go swimming or jogging.
He has been to either Norway or Japan.
Neither of them is ....
is a formal style of speakeng and writing.

Neither of them are....
is more common in daily conversation.

I don't think either of them is smart.
I don't think either of them are smart.

Neither of my parents like carrots.
Neither of my parents likes carrots.

Neither of my friends knows how to drive.
Neither of my friends know how to drive.


2005年10月12日 | NOVA L4レッスン







マンツーは、そのコースを教えられる資格のある講師さえ手配できれば、自分の好きな曜日、時間を取れるらしいです。ただー、ポイントがマンツーなだけに、4倍ですか・・。そして、マンツーの良さは、やりたいページを好きなだけ出来る事。回数が決まっていないそうです。(やりたくないページはしなくても問題ないらしい) やればやる程、そりゃーポイントはマッハで減って行きますけどね・・。 とりあえず、必要経費はテキスト代のみで、途中で自分に合わない・・つまんない・・って思ったら、辞めちゃっても、回数決まってないだけに、問題ないらしい。テキスト代払ってるんだから、それなりに受けないと損といえば、損だけど。

れもンはマンツーで受けようかなと思っています。M校まで行くのはちょっとおっくうな気も・・! せっかくオニのようにポイント使うんだから、しっかり元取れるようにがんばらないと・・。で、気が向いたら(機会があれば)同じコースをグループで受けてもいいかなーとか思っています。


強化レッスン 8回目。(ローラ)

2005年10月04日 | NOVA L4レッスン

Future Progressive

What will be doing?

Will + be + '-ing'

I will be at work.
I will be working.

1. To talk about an action that will be in progress before and after a time in the future.

The baseball game starts at 7 p.m. and finishes at 9 p.m.
 At 8 p.m. I will be watching the baseball game.

7p.m.  9 p.m. 8時は、7時に始まって、9時に終わるまでの間。


I wake up at 7 a.m. every day.
I will be waking up at 7 a.m. tomorrow.


The band will play when the students enter.
The band will be playing when the students enter.



He will be working when you arrive, so please let yourself into the house.

I will be attending a meeting when you arrive, so please wait.

I will be visiting a friend in Italy next year.

I can't come to your party. I will be studing for my exam tonight.

Sarah will be starting her new job at this time next week.

The baby will be sleeping when you come home, so please be quiet.

Jonson says that he will be traveling around the world next year.


George/ live/London/next year.
George will be living in London next year.

students./take/final exams/June
Students will be taking the final exams in June.

We willbe arriveing late to the party.

Paul will be receiving an award for his parformance.

three new countries/join/the UN/next year
Three new countries will be joinning the UN next year.

store/handing out/free gifts/first fifty customers
The store will be handing out free gifts to the first fifty customers.

'Will' + future progressive is used to make polite inquiries(ask) about people's plans.

Will you be using the car tonight?
When will you be leaving?

I will not (won't) be using the car tonight.
I will not (won't) be leaving until 8:00.

you/soccer game/tomorrow.
Will you be going to the soccer game tomorrow?

Will she be going to the party tonight?

they/Europe/next summer
Will they be visiting Europe next summer?

he/ meeting/this afternoon
Will he be having(attending) the meeting in this afternoon?

Will you be going to school tomorrow?

you /leave/for London
When will you be leaving for London?

you /have lunch
When will you having lunch?

he/come home
When will he be coming home?

she /go to Australia
When will she going to Australia?

they/leave the hotel
When will they be leaving the hotel?

you / make dinner
When will you making dinner?

Will Jim be joining us for dinner tonight?
No, he won't be joining us for dinner tonight.

Will Mr. Sigh be coming into work today?
No, he won't be coming into work today.

Will the plane be arriving on time?
No, the plane won't be arriving on time.

Will susan be leaving at 3:00?
No, she won't be leaving at 3:00.

Will Tom be attending the meeting?
No, he won't be attending the meeting.

Will they be inviting for Tom's wedding party?
No, they won't be inviting for his wedding party.



文法強化レッスン 7回目 ディビット

2005年09月30日 | NOVA L4レッスン


yourself. yourselves. himself, itself. ourself. themselves などの使い方。

He gave her present. 彼女にプレゼントをあげた。
He gave him a present→He gave himself a present. 彼自身にプレゼントをあげた。自分のために買った。

I often talk to myself when I feel lonely.
He cut himself when he was shaving.
They introduced themselves to my family.

Enjoy yourself = have a good time.

I really enjoy myself at the party.

behave yourself = behave well

help yourself = take your own food and drink

make yourself at home = to relax in another person's home

by yourself = alone/with no help

LeMON fix the toilet by herself.

express yourself = say what you think or mean

treat yourself = do something nice for yourself

I(ll treat myself to massage.

My grandfather talks to ( himself ) when he is alone.
I can introduce ( myself in French.
Mary fell down the stairs and hurt (herself).
The coffee is hot !! Be carful not to burn (yourself).
We dried ( ourselves) off after getting out of the pool.
The VCR turned (itself ) on at 8:00..

単語 Treat, by, help, enjoy. behave. express. make

Linda is going to (treat)(herself) to a massage.
Please come in and (make )(yourself) at home.
Please (help)(yourself) to the cake.
The teacher told the naughty children to ( behave )( themselves).
I hope he (enjoies)(himself) in Spain.
Please help me,. I can't do this (by)(myself).
Mayuimi cannot (express)(herself) well in English.

I can't fix computers by myself.
What do you do make yourself happy ?

each other/ one another 

Laura and Andy cook for themselves.
Laura and Andy cook for each other.

Pierre kisses Natalie and Natalie Kissed Pierre.
They always kiss each other when they meet.


My daughter helped her little brother get dressed, then he helped her .
My children helped themselves each other.

Gary told Meg a jopke, then she told him one.
They told jokes to each other.

All the world leaders met at the conference for the first time,.
All the world leaders met each other at the conference for the first time.

Matt copied Jason's nswers and Jason copied Matt's .
They copied one another answers.

She couldn't remember my name . and I couldn't remember her name.
They couldn't remenber....と言いかけたら、
We couldn't remember one another name.か 
She and I couldn't remember....だと言い直されました。

文法強化レッスン 6回目

2005年09月23日 | NOVA L4レッスン

Comparatives 比較。

We use comparatives to say what is the same or diffrent about two things.

1. For one-syllable adjectives, add '-er' to the end of the word.
* syllable/ beau/ti/ful = 3 syllables big=1 syllable → bigger

2.For words with two or more syllables, add more or less before the adjective.
* more expensive

3.For adj ending in 'y', change the 'y' to an 'i' and add '-er'.
*pretty>prettier , busy>busier

4.For irregular adj the word changes completely .
*good>better bad>worese far>further(farther)
little>less much/many/some>more

5.For some two-syllable adj 'er' or more/less can be used.
* quiet,clever,narrow , shallow, simple

 Classical music is more relaxing than rock musid.

  Sofa is more comfortable than chair.

  Trains are more convenient than buses.
・・どやら、どっちが実際どうなのかってのを考える必要はなく、順当に言えばよかったらしい。れもンは電車のが便利かなあ・・とか思って、こう言ったら、「え?」って顔された!ので、Because..., Trains always come on time.って付け加えてみました!

  Countryside is more quiet(quietter) than city.

  Fruit is more healthy than candy.

   English is more simple than Chinese.



Making scrambled eggs is less difficult than making an omelette.

  じゃがいもと米?!さっきの単語で?かなり悩む悩む。結局ヒントを貰い、fillingだって分かる。でも・・それでも、やっぱり謎である。filling=満たす つまり、おなかがいっぱいになるってコトらしいんだけど、どっちもおなかに貯まるけど・・・・まあ、しいて言えば、どっちか?!って問題・・・

Rice is less filling than Potatoes.


Cooking is less enjoyable than eating.


Work is less important than family.

doing homework/doing housework

Doing homework is less tiring than doing housework.


Computers are less useful than calculators.

Which language is the most difficult to learn? と聞かれ・・・学んだことの無い言語は難しいかどうかも分からないし・・・と、ここは適当に・・・。
I guess, Animal's language is the most difficult to learn. って言っちゃいました。

Superlatives are used to compare a person or thing to a group of similar people or things.

1.For one-syllable adj add '-est' to the end of the word.

*the biggest

2.For words with two tr more add the most or the least before the adj.

*the most expensive/ the least expensive

3.For adj ending in 'y' change the 'y' to an ' i ' and add ' -est'


4.For irregular adj,the word changes completely.

*good-better-the best  bad-worse-the worst  far-further-tye furthest little-less-the least
 much/many/some-more-the most

Tokyo is the most expensive city in Japan.

Mt.Everest is the most highest mountain in the world.

the cherry blossom/pretty/flower/Japan
  The cherry blossom is the prettiest flower in Japan.

  Darren it the tallest boy in his class.

  Australia is the driest country in the world.

  August is the hottest month in the year.

  Lauren is the popular teacher in the school.



強化レッスン5回目 (ピーター)

2005年09月14日 | NOVA L4レッスン

Reported Speech

AさんがBさんに、"Yesterday was a hot and sunny day."
BさんがCさんに、"A said that yesterday had been a hot and sunny day."

We use reported speech to tell others about people said.
We use "tell" or "say" in the past tense.

Jill told me (that) she......
Jill said (that)....

 I finished my homework.

She said that she finished her homework.
She said that I had finished my homework.

 Can I borrow the car?

He asked me if he can borrow the car.
He asked me whether he borrow the car or not.

 You must study harder !

He said that must study harder.

I should get some advice from Ed.
She told me she should get some advice from Ed.

You should eat less meat.

He said I should eat less meat.

I'll call you later.

He said he'll call me later.

You type carelessly.

MY boss said that I type caressly.

We should leave at 3:00.

She said we should leave at 3:00.

The movie made me cry.

She said the movie made her cry.

Do you like Italian food?

She asked me if I like Italian food.
She asked me whether I like Italian food or not.

Are you coming to the party?

He asked me if I am coming to the party.
He asked me whether I am coming to the party or not.

I'm going to quit smoking.

My friend told me he is going to quit smoking.
You said you were going to quit smoking.

What are you doing?

 She asked him what was he doing.

 I love Jill.

He said that he loved Jill , but I think he's lying.

 I am going to the concert.

He said he was going to the concert, but it was canceled.

This is a terrible movie.

He said this was terrible movie,but it was Interesting.

Rick is at the library.

He said Rick was at the library, but we couldn't find him.

 This is really easy!
He said this was really easy but it was difficult for me!

 I am going to watch the baseball game.

He said he was going to watch the baseball game, but I saw him at the soccor stadium.

The train is leaving at 6 p.m.

He said the train was leaving at 6 p.m. but it had already left at 5:30.

 I am going to be late.

She said she was going to be late, but she arrived on time.


結構時間いっぱいいっぱいなので、あまり、Let me see.... Let me think.....って言ってる場合ではないので、ヤバイかも~。

文法強化レッスン 4回目 (ジェイソン)

2005年09月08日 | NOVA L4レッスン


-ed = our feeling  / -ing = the thing

ending in '-ing' describe something or someone.

ex) Modern art is interesting.
     Jennifer is boring. = She is not an interesting person.

ending in ' -ed' discrive your feeling. how you feel about something or someone.

ex) I'm interested in modern art.
     Jennifer makes me bored.
     ×Jennifer make me boring.

Adjectives '-ed' often use preposition.
on / in /above / to/ of / with /below

I'm interested in modern art.
I'm bored by Jennifer.
I'm disappointed about the weather.


1. I / disappointed / movie
    I was disappointed by the movie.
    The movie was disappointing.

disapointed/   by / with / about

2. I / excite / footballgame
   I'm excited by footballgame.
   Footballgame is exciting.

excite /  by / with / about

3.he / bore / his job
  He is bored with his job.
  His job is boring..

bore / of/ with

4. she/ embarrass / your behavior
   She was embarrassed by your behavior.
   Your behavior was embarrassing.

embarass / with / of / about / by

5. everyone / shock / the news
   Everyone was shocked by the news.
   The news was shocking.

shock / by / with

6.they/ confuse / the problem
  They were confused about the problem.
  The problem was confusing.

7.my children / interest./soccer
   My children are interestd in soccer.
   Soccer is interesting.

bore/excite/ embarrass / disapoint / confuse / surprise / amuse / frighten

を使って、文を完成させる。 これは、講師がカチャカチャ入力していました。

1. riding rollercoasters
   I'm excited in riding rollercoasters.
   Riding rollercoasters are exciting.

2.winning some money
  I was surprised with winning some money.
  Winning some money was surprising.

3. a slow movie
  I'm bored by a slow movie.
  A slow movie is boring.

4. a difficult problem
  I was confused by a difficult problem.
  A difficult problem was confusing.

5.studying Math for ten hours
  I am bored about studying Math for ten hours.
  Studying Math for ten hours is boring.

   I am amused by clowns.
   Clowns are amusing.

7. a good test result
  I am excited by a good test result.
  A good test result is exciting.

8. failing a drivers test.
  I was disappointed by failing a drivers test.
  Failing a drivers test was disappointing.

9.falling down the stairs
  I was embarassed by falling down the stairs.
  Falling down the stairs was embarrassing.
※I was embarassed when I falling down the stairs.

 I was very interested in the book.
The book was very interesting.

extremely/ terribly / very / quite /
somewhat(kind of)/ a little / not very / not

excite/bore/frighten/embarrass/confuse/annoy を使って文章を完成させる。

1.this problem/ extremely.
  This problem is extremely confusing.
  I'm extremely confused by this problem.

2.horror movies./ extremely
  Horror movies are extremely frightening.
  I am extremely frightened by horror movies.

3. amusement park/ not very
 I'm not veyr excited by amusement park.
 Amusement park is exciting.

4.puzzles / a little
 Puzzles are a little annoying .
 I am a little annoyed by puzzles.

5.classical music/somewhat
 Classical music is somewhat boring.
 I am somewhat bored with(by) classical music.



強化レッスン 3回目 (ロバート)

2005年09月02日 | NOVA L4レッスン

The Passive voice

My friend painted this picture.
This picture was painted by my friend.

1. When we want to place great emphasis(強調) upon who does or did something.

My mother wrote this book.
This book was written by my mother (strong)

2. When we don't know WHO or WHAT did the action.

Someone stole my car!
My car was stolen(by someone)

3. When we DON'T WANT TO TALK about WHO or WHAT did something.....because we  WANT TO AVOID RESPONSIBILITY.

I broke all the dishes.
All the dishes were broken. (by me!)

4. When we are more interested in THE ACTION than WHO DID IT.

The post office sent the package.
The package was sent.( by the post office.)

Simple present
is/are + past participle

Simple past
was/were + past participle



  1. Sam repaired the boat.
  2. The royal family often visits this restrant.
  3. The president drives these cars.
  4. A famous person worn this jacket.
  5. The airline canceled all flights.
  6. I wrote this poem.
  7. A specialist checked my ears.
  8. Bears attacked the campers!
  9. The police stopped the demonstration.
  10. The secretary lost the files.
  11. The government raises taxes every year.
  12. People make mistakes in the company every day.
  13. Cosmetic companies use animals for testing.
  14. Spies steal secret information from computers.
  15. The children broke the window.
  16. Laura lost your book.




  1. English (  ) (  ) in elementary schools in Japan (by teachers)
  2. The meeting (  ) (  ) (by the manager)
  3. Uniforms (  ) (  ) in school (by the students).
  4. These photos (  ) (  ) taken by my sister.
  5. Many workers (  ) (  ) by this company.
  6. Her bag  (  ) (  ) on the train ( by somebody).


  1. Jenifer lied to me.
  2. I left the air-conditioner on.
  3. I deleted some important subjects.


Present Progressive
is/are + being + past participle

My car is being repaired at the moment.

Past Progressive
was/were + being + past participle

My car was being repaired yesterday.



  1. Students are taking the test .
  2. The actors were perfoming the play.
  3. The tailor is making a new suit.
  4. The cleaners were washing the floor.
  5. The staff is serving lunch.
  6. The manager is holding a meeting.
  7. The owner was training the dogs.




  1. The boat was repaired by Sam.
  2. This restaurant is often visited by the royal family.
  3. These cars are driven by the president.
  4. This jacket was worn by a famous person.
  5. All flights were canceled by the airline.
  6. This poem was witten by me.
  7. My ears were checked by a specialist.
  8. The campers were attacked by bears.
  9. The demonstration was stopped by the police.
  10. The files were lost by the secretary.
  11. Taxes were raised by the government every year.
  12. Mistakes are made by people in the company every day.
  13. Animals are used by cosmetic companies for testing.
  14. Seacret information is stolen by spies from computers.
  15. The window was broken by the children.
  16. My book was lost by Laura.


  1. English is taught in elementary schools in Japan.
  2. The meeting was canceled.
  3. Uniforms are worn in school.
  4. These photos were taken by my sister.
  5. Many workers are emploied by this company.
  6. Her bag was stolen on the train.


  1. I was lied to !
  2. The ari-conditioner left on!
  3. Some important subjects were deleted!


  1. The test is being taken by Students.
  2. The play was being parformed by the actors.
  3. A new suit is being made by the tailor.
  4. The floor was being washed by the cleaners.
  5. Lunch is being served by the staff.
  6. A meeting is being held by the manager.
  7. The dogs were being trained by the owner.