


2005年01月08日 | にっき
今日は危うく七草粥を食べるのを忘れるところだった。買ってあったにも関わらず!! よくぞ思い出してくれました。旦那さまに感謝!





2005年01月08日 | NOVA L4レッスン







第3話 Curiosity killed the cat (勉強会用/小説)

2005年01月08日 | 勉強会・短編

"....and then, What should we do about her?"
A man,who had an ugly look in his eyes asked other members. His name was Takashi. He was tall and thin, and had a red wavy hair.
"Well....She had known our face, so, we won't be able to let her go off here. I thought she was poor, but I couldn't find any good answer. We have no choice, we need to kill her, don't we? Sorry, cute lady! Ha-ha! You think so, don't you? Kenji?"
A beautiful woman with a finely chiseled nose, withe a cold -eyed and a cold smile on her lips said to a small and portly man wasw called Kenji. Her name was Kaori. She had a long black hair, She was a leader of this group. Kenji looked like little nervous.

"Kill...? Did they sai kill me?"

"Kaori....I don't want to kill her...."
Kenji said in a low voice as jumpy.
"What? did you say? Do you have any other idea? You and Takashi made a mistake , didn't you ?What do you think that will be happened on us, if she tips off the cops? Are you stupid? ...How do you think , Takashi?"
"Hummmmmmmm....I don't know how many days she will be able to live out, but she must die after a while, if we won't give her any food and water. I don't like to see blood. I don't want to get some blood stains on my shirt,too. Anyway, Why don't we check again our account if get some more money?"
"Ok, This time I'll go with Takashi. You, Keep a strict watch on her! You coward!"
Kaori said and went out with Takashi.


「そうねえ・・・顔見られたんだし、帰すわけにはいかないよね~。かわいそうだけど、私、他にいいアイデア思いつかないし、私たち選ぶ余地無いんじゃない?死んでもらうしかないんじゃない? ごめんね~、かわいいお嬢ちゃん!あはは! あんたもそう思うわよね?ケンジ。」



"....and then, What should we do about her?"
A man, who had an ugly look in his eyes, asked the other members.His name was Takashi. He was tall, thin, and had a red wavy hair.
"Well..She knows our faces,so,we won't be able to let her go. I thought she was poor, but I couldn't find any good answer.We have no choice, we need to kill her, don't we? Sorry, cute lady! Ha-ha! You think so, don't you? Kenji?!"
A beautiful woman with a finely chiseled nose,cold-eyes, and a cold smile on her lips talked to a small, Plrly man named Kenji. Her name was Kaori. She had a long black hair. She was the leader of this group. Kenji looked a little nervous.

"Kill...? Did they say kill, me?"
"Kaori...I don't want to kill her..."
Kenji said in a low and jumpy voice.
"What? What did you say? Do you have any other great idea? You and Takashi made a mistake, didn't you? What do you think will happen to us, if she tips off the cops? Are you stupid? ...What do you think, Takashi?"
"Hummmmmmmmm...I don't know how many days she will be able to survive, but she will die after a while, if we don't give her any food and water. I don't like to see blood. I don't want to get any blood stains on my shirt,either. Anyway, Why don't we check our account again see if we got some more money?"
"Ok,This time I'll go with Takashi, You, Keep a close watch on her! You coward!"
Kaori said and went out with Takashi.


