


2006年10月06日 | 勉強会・短編


聴く中国語のコーナーで紹介されてて(CDに音源も入ってた)気に入ってしまったので早速購入。近所のCD屋さんでは発見できなかったので、アマゾンで注文したら、結構日数かかっちゃいました 和訳は付いてたけれど、さすがにピンインまでは付いてないのね・・  知ってる単語は聞き取れるけど、知らない単語は「・・・」 日本語にある漢字ならネットでピンイン分かるけど、ない漢字の場合どうしたもんだか・・


聴く中国語 2006年 10月号 [雑誌]




2006年01月08日 | 勉強会・短編
Suddenly, Ken felt a breath of air. The air brought the sweet smell of flowers.
"I know the feel of wind.."
He stopped dead, jerked his head around to check if the fairy was there. And then he saw something move that was glimmering above the bushes in front of a cave.
"Wha..What??" Ron shouted."Have you found the fairy?"
"Probably. It must be the fairy. It was the same wind that brought the sweet smell when I met the fairy! " Ken had no sooner said it when he started running to the bushes.
The fairy was fluttering her light pink wings. She noticed when they came closer and said hello. "Thanks for finding me, Ken. I've believed you since you promised me about the cherry tree. " " Ah..hello. well...I would like to keep my promise, but..ah.. I don't know what should I do." Ken said. " Yeah, I know that you don't know anything. I'll tell you what you have to do. I was waiting until you grew up to be a 15 year old boy." the fairy continued. " I was looking for a boy who has the power to protect the cherry tree from enemies when we met the first time, because the cherry tree already had been getting weaker and weaker."
Ken listened to her words carefully.
"You have a great power to save us. " " A great power? What is it? " Ken asked. " You have a lot of will power, and are also tender-hearted." the fairy answered. " I dare say.. I don't have a strong will..." Ken said weakly. " You have! " the fairy said in a powerful voice. "We don't have enough time, Ken. because it's making more rapid progress than I expected. You have to beat a witch. " "Beat what??" ken gasped. The fairy ignored Ken's shout and continued to talk. " The cherry tree linked with your world deeply. The witch has made bad use of it, and she will get rid of any obstacle, which is the cherry tree for her desire . Did she use the black art on people ! and has pulled the strings. Have you heard about the project to build lots of high-rises at the park? " the fairy asked. "Yes..I've heard ! I felt that something was strange about the project, because none of the people were against it! You mean the witch charmed the people?" Ken clenched his fist with anger.
The fairy flicked her wand, then a key appeared in the air. Ken picked it quickly. The Key had  three pink sapphires on the grip, and was much heavier than he expected. "Listen. You will be able to use the key only once. You have to open the door that you think is the correct door. You will able to get an arm to help yourself.." "What?" Ken was surprised and lifted his face but the fairy already had gone.
"Have you gotten some information from the fairy ? " Ron asked.
"Ah..,yes. She gave me a key to get an arm. She said I had to beat a witch..but, I don't know where the door where we'll get the arm is."
Suddenly Ron shouted, "The door! She said we have to get the aim and it was inside the door, right? Hurry up Ken! Can you see that fall ? " Ron pointed to the right side behind the cave." "Where??" Ken asked. " Over there!  I guess the door  is there. I've heard there are lots of doors behind the fall ! I can teleportation, you know..look at my eyes, Ken! "
Ron's eyes flashed again ,after that they vanished. In a moment, they were in front of the fall.
今回は、ちゃんと見直しをしなかったせいもあって、ケアレスミスが結構ありました。 ま、本気で間違ってるのも沢山ありますけどね。 後でプリントアウトして 勉強にも使わなくっちゃ!です。


2006年01月08日 | 勉強会・短編

Suddenly, Ken felt a breath of air. The air brought sweet smell of floweres. "I know the feel of wind.." He stopped dead, jerked his head around to check if fairy was there. And then he has found something to move that was glimmering above bushes in front of a cave. "Wha..What??" Ron shouted."Have you found the fairy?" "Probably. It's must be the fairy. It was same wind to brought sweet smell when I met the fairy! " Ken had no sooner said than started running to the bushes.

The fairy was fluttering her light pink wings. She has noticed them to came closer and said hello. "Thanks for find me, Ken. I've believed you since you promised me about the cherry tree. " " Ah..hello. well...I would like to keep my promise, but..ah.. I don't know what should I do." Ken said. " Yeah, I know what you don't know anything. I'll tell you that you have to do. I was waiting that you grew up to 15 year old boy." the fairy continued. " I was looking for a boy who has a power to protect the cherry tree for enemies when we met at the first time , because the cherry tree already had been getting weak and weak." Ken listened to her words carefully. "You have a great power to save us. " " A great power? What is it? " Ken asked. " You have a lot of will power, also tender-hearted." the fairy answered. " I dare say.. I don't have strong will..." Ken said weakly. " You have! " the fairy said in powerful voice. "We don't have enough time, Ken. because it's making rapid progress than I expected. You have to beat a witch. " "Beat what??" ken gasped. The fairy didn't care of Ken's shout and continued to talk. " The cherry tree linked with your world deeply. The witch has made bad use it, and she will get rid of obstacles which is the cherry tree for her desire . Did she use the black art to people ! and has pulled the strings. Have you heard about project of build lots of high-rise at the park? " the fairy asked. "Yes..I've heard ! I felt that something strange about the project , because non of people were against ! You mean the witch charmed the people?" Ken clenched his fist with anger.

The fairy flicked her wand, then a key appeared in the air. Ken picked it quickly. The Key had three pink sapphire on the grip was really heavy than he expected. "Listen. You will able to use the key only once. You have to open a door that you think it's the correct door. You will able to get an arm to help yourself.." "What?" Ken has been surprised and lifted his face but the fairy already has gone.

"Have you gotten some informations from the fairy ? " Ron asked. "Ah..,yes. She gave me a key to get an arm. She said had to beat a witch..but, I don't know where the door that we'll get the arm is." Suddenly Ron shouted, "The door! She said we have to get the aim and it was inside the door, right? Hurry up Ken! Can you see that fall ? " Ron pointed right side behind the cave." "Where??" Ken asked. " Over there! I guess the door is there. I've heard there are lots of doors behind the fall ! I can teleportation, you know..look at my eyes, Ken! " Ron's eyes flashed again ,after that they vanished. In a moment, the were in front of the fall.


共同作業は大変な面もあるけれど、でも、れもン一人では、話が続かなかったかも?!ライむのおかげでひらめく事もあるし・・・。英会話を勉強するのは、一人でも出来るけど、でも、れもンはやっぱり一緒に頑張れる、刺激しあえるパートナーは必要だな~と、ヒシヒシと思いました。 丁寧に文法面を直してくれるペンパルにも恵まれて、幸せ者です。

-Strength of Will- (ケンとロンの続き れもンバージョン途中・・)

2005年12月28日 | 勉強会・短編

"By the way...." Ken said to Ron as he was walking. "Why is it me? not others?? Where am I ? Who are you....? What are we doing..?" he looked at Ron timidly.
Ron who was on his right shoulder, answered with a big sigh. "We've known one of the problems. My mothe..." cough, "The cherry tree is getting weakly and our world is gradually stop functioning everything and we need your help.You're the only one will be able to help us." Ron turned on Ken's face. "What would be happened if the world wasn't functioning ? "

"The tree has protected the world against lots of foreign enemies here." Ron made the things clear to Ken who has thrown a question back. "If we would solve the problems, we were waiting just on time that a dying the world."

The story terrified Ken. What on earth would he let him to do?? He felt keenly that he was involved an extremely large problem..he had never experienced such a thing. He guessed the creatures include Ron weren't able to see the fairy, Ken was the only one who could see her...He was getting have feel of the heavy pressure and the huge anxious. He wanted to run away from here and all of problems around him, but he also wanted to protect his favourite tree as same as others who lived here. He didn't want to loose the tree which was always together ,good time also bad time..

Ken closed his eyes, draw a deep breath and bit his lower lip tightly. He gazed on Ron's eyes, " Anyway, I'll try that I should to do everything." he said strongly. The eyes have gotten strength of will and firm brilliance.

....to be continued.....


2005年12月22日 | 勉強会・短編
8. "...bumped into gnarled of cherry tree and knocked ground." Sorry, I don't understand what you are trying to say. "gnarled" is not a noun. What part of the tree do you mean? Trunk, bark, branch, ??  maybe "....bumped into a cherry tree, and fell to the ground."

9. .."and only tip of brown long tail". Again, I do not understand it. Does he have a white tail with a small bit of brown on the tip?
8.I mean gnarled → knot ??   it is part of tree where there was a branch before. It is hard and round spot.
9.Yes ! he has a white tail , but  a part of the tail is brown. If his tail was 15 cm, 10cm=white 5cm=brown( the point of the tail) 
Good job LeMON!
You can write   "....bumped into a knot of a cherry tree..."
....His long tail was mostly white, becoming brown at the tip...
("tip" is a common word for "end" for objects that are long and have a point at the end, like a sword, a pen, a mouse tail.)


2005年12月16日 | 勉強会・短編


while something else is happening
*Uiro spent 10 monthes alone on his boat. LeMON , meanwhile, took care of the children on her own.

in the period of time between two times or two events.
*The doctor will see you again next Monday. Meanwhile, you must rest as much as possible.


to move quickly especially with difficulty, using your hands to help you.


on or onto a ship, plane, bus or train,
*We finally went aboard.
*He wan already aboard the plane.


wet and soft, usually in a way that is unpleasant. (bread/cornflakes)


to move or make somethig move quickly up and down especially in water.

go off



to walk slowly or with heavy steps, because you are tired or carrying something heavy.

*He trudged the last two miles to the town.
*The man trudged up the hill.


a sudden short feeling of pain.
*He felt a twinge in his knee as he jumped over the wall.


a very firm request for something that somebody needs.

to ask for something very firmly.

*She demanded an immediate explanation.
*I demand to see the maneger.

Yes, indeed !その通り!
No, indeed! いや、とんでもない!


to step heavily on somebody/something so that you crush or harm them/it  with your feet.

to ignore somebody's feelings or rights and treat them as if they are not important.

*Don't trample on the flowers !


to fight or struggle with each other for a short time, in a way that is not very serious.

whip out

~急に引き出す(剣、ピストルなど) さっと取り出す。作り出す。


to move or make somebody/something move very fast in a particular direction.

die down


race up


help out


He go on to tell him how worried he was.



2005年12月16日 | 勉強会・短編



to breathe quickly with short breaths, usually with your mouth open, because you have been doing  some physical exercise, or because it is very hot.


to take a quick deep breath with your mouth open, especially because you are surprised or in pain.

to have difficulty breathing or speaking.


to speak or say something in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about something.

to complain about something, without saying publicly what you think

mutter to oneself ヒトリゴトをブツブツ言う。 


to say something in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear or understand.

complain about somebody/something, but not openly.


to speak or say something in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear.


to ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much.


to give somebody support, courage or hope

to persuade somebody to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do.


to speak angrily to somebody, especially a child , because they have done something wrong.

* He scolded them for arriving late.
* Mother scolded him for getting poor marks in the exam.


to tell somebody about something in a way that makes it easy to understand.

to give a reason, or be a reason, for something.

”セリフ” explained LeMON.


”セリフ”she began..


to say something suddenly and loudly especially because of strong emotion or pain.

"It isn't fair !!" , he exclaimed angrily.


to make a long loud high cry, especially because you are sad or in pain.

”セリフ”the little girl was wailing miserably.


”セリフ”he said triumphantly.


to demand that something happends or that somebody agrees to do something.

to say firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not believe you.

”セリフ”insisted LeMON.


”セリフ” said LeMON bravely.


”セリフ”she asked irritably.

getting annoyed easily; showing your anger.


”セリフ” she said indignantly.

feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly.


showing that you think about and care for other people.

”セリフ”said Grandpa thoughtfully.


a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval for somebody/something  that you feel is unacceptable, or for something that looks, smells, etc. unpleasant.

it makes you feel shocked and almost ill because it is so unpleasant.

”セリフ”said LeMON disgust.


believing that something you want will happen.

”セリフ”he said hopefully.


annoyed or quite angry.

”セリフ”, said LeMON crossly.


to make somebody feel shocked and disappointed.

a worried sad feeling after you have received an unpleasant surpprise.

”セリフ”said LeMON in dismay.


to make somebody or yourself feel unhappy , anxious or annoyed.


”セリフ”said LeMON briskly.





ライむバージョン その2 (担当 れもン)

2005年12月13日 | 勉強会・短編

"Ken ! Ken ! Are you Ok?! "Ron who was  Ken's dog studied Ken's face anxiously and he licked Ken's cheek.
"Ahh... Dad, I'd like to sleep five more minuites.., please..let me ..sleep.."
"Ken! Please wake up! I'm not your Dad, I am Ron! "
Ken was surprised and work up soon.
"Wha.. What? Ron? " He robbed his eyes. "Ron? Can you speak human language?! When did you learn it ?! " Ken stared at Ron in round-eyed wonder.
"I've been speaking language since I was baby. Just you couldn't understand it " Ron answered.
"Where are we..?" Ken said and he looked around there. Ken looked around.There were innumerable doors in the air. Each doors had a plate of date. " Oh...Maybe I know where we are... but, but why? Am I still sleeping??"
"What does it mean?" Ron asked. " It's in my dream. I have been here five or six times. " Ken replyed. "I love that door which is red one. Can you see it? " Ken looked so happy. "It's my 7th birthday's memory. It was my best of memories. There were Mom and Dad.. and We're going hiking with picnic lunch." but suddenly Ken changed his expression. He looked sad. "but...in this morning, I came here in my dream, I tried it open again and again but, I couldn't open it.. I don't know why .. but the door was locked."

"Ah-ha." Ron nodded."I've heard it from my grandpa dog. We have been in your illusion.. Someone.., I think it's your birth parent wants to tell you something.." Ron continued, "Ken, Have you opened that door? " he pointed one of doors that there was over their head with his chin. The door's plate said "1999"
"I don't need to open the door. I don't want to see the memories that my Mom dead."
"You have to plen the door. " Ron pointed it again.
"I said I didn't want to open it, Ron!" Ken shouted.
"..You should open. You will be able to open it. You have to know what happened on that day. It's might be your mother's message. You should take a step forward. The door will give you something important keyword.."
"I don't... I can't..." Ken shaked his head. "I can't..."
"However, if you won't open it, we won't be able to go home. Are you Ok if you won't be able to see your family forever? You want to stay here? " Ron said.
"I don't want... but, I can't.." Ken was on the verge of tears and stopped talking. Ron said nothing more.

It passed lots of time. Ken breaked slience.
"...Ok, I will open the door. because, I should let you go home. "
After that, Ken went up the stairs and grasped the knob.


2005年12月13日 | 勉強会・短編







2005年12月03日 | 勉強会・短編
Ok, I will do it like last time. Corrections are red.

"Dear me ! " Ken gasped (new sentence). He took an interest in the owner's story. He didn't believe that story , but he was in tune with the owner. (see note 1), ...but in the middle, he felt little bit sleepy. Finally, he was anxious about whether he would be able to go home before (see note 2) dark. Three hours had already passed when the owner started to talk about the country.
Ken glanced at one of the clocks on the shelf and then he noticed a dirty stuffed animal beside the biggest clock. Ken had a feeling the toy's eyes flashed of red like a lightning (see note 3). He rubbed his eyes, " It must be my imagination, just my imagination.." he muttered to himself in a tiny voice.
 "I...I found you..., I found a boy who helped us in the end..."
Ken heard a muffled voice. Ken felt scared. (see note 4)
"What?!" Ken asked the owner "You found what ?! Did you say something?? "
The owner grinned meaningfully. He picked the toy up and slipped it into Ken's hand. and he said,"He is Ron. He might want to go together. Ok, I will reduce the price ten percent, It's 800 3-D dollars."  He stretched out his hand in front of Ken's face.
"800  what?" Ken yelled.
"I said, it was 800 three-dimensional dollars. Ah-ha, You don't know 3-D dollars, do you?" (see note 5) The owner pulled a drawer and picked a piece of paper out. He looked at (see note 6) it carefully after few minutes he lifted his face and he said  " Ah..It's 640 yen. " with his beaming smile. Ken didn't want to buy it, but he thought that he wouldn't be able to go home if he would refuse to buy it. Ultimately he bought the toy named Ron, though unwillingly.

"Hhaa...." Ken gave a sigh again and waved Ron around in front of his face.
"STOP!  I feel dizzy ! Stop, Stop please! Stop swinging me!! " the toy shouted (note 7). Ken was very surprised and threw it away. Poor Ron gave a short shriek when he ......(see note 8)"Are you going to kill me?!" Ron shouted and made a dash for Ken, ran up Ken's back, shoulder to head and he looked down Ken's face from Ken's head .
"Do you want to kill me?! " he yelled again with anger.
"No.., I was just  surprised..I had no intention at all...." Ken said nervously.
"Ok, ok..I forgive you this time..I am a broad-minded cute boy.  I am Ron. You are Ken,aren't' you? Pleasure to meet you, Ken." the creature,(comma) who had white short hair (perhaps white if he washed his body) and only tip of brown long tail said (see note 9). He was about 15 cm tall. He twitched his small round brown ears without a break. He smiled and gazed into Ken's eyes with his red beady eyes and he continued, " Ken, You are my partner right now. Come with me...." Suddenly Ron's eyes sparkled. A strong wind scattered the cherry blossoms all at once and Ken was swallowed up with Ron by a hole of space-time. They vanished away from under the cherry tree . There was Ken's school bag without its owner.(see note 10)
1. "At first, he was enjoyed to hear the odd story". Difficult past-tense verb. You can say it 2 ways. "he enjoyed to hear..." OR "he was enjoying hearing the ...."
2. "before getting dark". As you know, English often calls the weather or nature "it". Example: It is raining. So you can say "...if he would get home before it got dark". But I just wrote "...before dark". Here, "dark" means a time, just like "..before 6:00"
3. "Ken had a feeling the toy's eyes flashed of red like a lightning." Nice description, LeMON. This is not so important to remember, but we use "lightning" to describe all of them, not just one. So it is like a plural (there is no word called "lightnings"). Similar to "rain" and "snow". If you want to describe the single pieces, you say "raindrop", "snowflake", "lightning bolt". So your sentence could say "....the toy's eyes flashed red like lightning"
4. "Ken felt scary"  Very common mistake. You are trying to say "Ken felt scared". You would say "the toy is scary". So the source of fear (kyoofu no kongen)  (toy, monster, earthquake, etc) is scary. The recipient of fear (kyoofu no uketorinin) is scared. "Ken was scared, because Ron is scary"
5. "You don't know 3-D dollars, don't you?"  If you ask a question like this, you must use the opposite (affirmative, negative). Maybe you forgot, because you did it correctly when you wrote "You are Ken, aren't you?". Sorry, I am not explaining well. This type of question is actually a fast way to say 2 sentences
"You don't know 3-D dollars"
"Do you know 3-D dollars?"
Another example
"You can see the boat, can't you?" I say this type of question if I am 90% sure about the first thing in the sentence (I am 90% sure that you can see the boat). But maybe I am wrong, so I ask "can't you?". If I think you probably cannot see the boat, but I am not 100% sure, I will ask "You can't see the boat, can you?" 
6. "look". This is a verb that needs a preposition helping word, at
"I looked at my watch." (look at = see)
Here is another use of "look", and it also needs a helping word
"I looked for my watch." (look for = search)
7. "waved Ron around" - good job LeMON, this is a good verb (wave around). You sound like a native English-speaker when you use this verb
8. "...bumped into gnarled of cherry tree and knocked ground." Sorry, I don't understand what you are trying to say. "gnarled" is not a noun. What part of the tree do you mean? Trunk, bark, branch, ??  maybe "....bumped into a cherry tree, and fell to the ground."
9. .."and only tip of brown long tail". Again, I do not understand it. Does he have a white tail with a small bit of brown on the tip?
10. Cool image yo. Maybe a natural-sounding sentence is
"Ken's school bag laid there, without its owner."
WOW, you are becoming such a good English writer LeMON. Please keep going. I am excited to hear what happens to Ken next!