

The Enormous Crocodile(16冊目)

2005年11月30日 | ☆読書の記録☆
The Enormous Crocodile

Bt Bound



Enormous Crocodile and the Magic Finger

Harper Children`s Audio


【読書期間】 11月29日~11月29日
【ページ数 】 42
【感   想】  これまたビックリな・・・。何とも残酷。 超でっかいワニが人間の子供を食べようとジャングルから抜け出し、色んな作戦で(この作戦がまた面白い)子供をパクリと食べちゃおうとがんばる(?)、失敗してもめげないワニの話です。最後はびっくりなことになっちゃいます・・・! イラストがカラーで沢山あるので見てるだけでも可愛く楽しいし、辞書無くてもイラストが助けてくれるので想像しやすいです。


George's Marvelous Medicine (15冊目)

2005年11月30日 | ☆読書の記録☆
George`s Marvelous Medicine (Puffin Novels)


George`s Marvelous Medicine (Harper Childrens Audio)

Harper Children`s Audio

【読書期間】 11月28日~11月29日
【ページ数 】 89
【感   想】 なんとも恐ろしい話だった・・! ジョージが天才ですごい薬をじゃんじゃん発明して人の役に・・・なーんてものではなかった。不思議な薬はなんと、大嫌いなばーちゃんに飲ませるために、ジョージが作ったものだった。普通そんなの飲ませたら間違いなく死に至るようなものをジャンジャン入れます。(別にばーちゃんに殺意があるわけでは無いらしいんだけど) で、ばーちゃんの普段飲んでいる薬と摩り替えて飲ませてしまうのですが、その後の展開がびっくり・・。父親も叱るのかと思いきや、その薬で大もうけを・・・って言い出すし。 とにかくびっくりの連続です。そして予想外のすごい終わり方・・・ え?!そうなっちゃうの?って感じです。お薦め。

ロアルド ダール物

2005年11月28日 | その他自宅学習

図書館を利用しようとか思いつつも、借りに行ったり返却に行ったりってのが面倒くさいのと、やっぱり手元に欲しいのとで、衝動買いをしてしまった。 ま、ロアルド ダールで今のところ外れはないし、もう揃えちゃおうかくらいの勢い。



 カセット(CDじゃないのが、ちょっと残念・・)もあるらしいので、いずれ買ってみようかな・・などと考えています。 ページ数が多いと全部を聴くのは時間も掛かるし大変だけれど、30~40ページなら、気軽に聞けるかな・・なんて。 ああ、でもCDウォークマンしか持ってないから、まずそこを何とかしないと自宅でしか聞けないのか・・


Enormous Crocodile and the Magic Finger

Harper Children`s Audio



The Enormous Crocodile

Bt Bound


The Bfg

Harper Children`s Audio




Esio Trot

Bt Bound



The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More



Roald Dahl`s Book of Ghost Stories

Farrar Straus & Giroux (J)


The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me(14冊目)

2005年11月27日 | ☆読書の記録☆
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me



 【読書期間】 11月23日~11月26日
【ページ数 】 79
【感   想】 なかなかかわいらしいお話でした。 ホノボノとした感じというか。最後のほうに、ワンカのチョコレート工場の名前もちらっと出てきたので、ちょっとニンマリしてしまいました。ヘンテコリンなお菓子も出てきたし。辞書無しでも楽しめますが、辞書を引いても載っていない様な単語もありました。たぶん単語と単語をくっつけて勝手に作っちゃった的な感じの。 


The Giraffe, the Pelly And Me

Harper Children`s Audio


私は持っていませんが、歌も入っているので 本を見ながら聴くと 更に楽しさが増すらしいです。

おまい こそお だまれえい。

2005年11月25日 | にっき

先日ノバで、女性講師に「あいつに(座ってる男性講師を指して)”DAMARE !! ”って言われたんだけど・・・どういう意味?」って聞かれました。で、Shut up!って教えたら「え?そんなこと言ってたの?!日本語でなんていい返したら言いか教えて」って言われたので、少し考えて「お前こそ 黙れ」って 教えてしまいました・・・。

 私のところで3回くらい「おまいこそお、だまれええ」「おまえい こそお、だまれい」って練習した後、ツカツカっとその男性講師の所に行って、さっそく「おまえこそ だまれ」って言ってました・・。それから、戻ってきて、「ところで、さっきのはどういう意味?」って聞きにきたので Shut up,too・・って言っておきました。




2005年11月24日 | にっき
美女と野獣 ― スペシャル・リミテッド・エディション



れもンの大好きな映画の一つ。昨日ういろう君がDVDをつけていたので、久しぶりに観ました。そしたら・・以前はところどころ聞き取れる場所がある程度だったのが、何だか今回、結構聞こえているような・・・・?? まあ、分からないところも、それなりにあるけれど、でも・・・

今朝、一人で字幕無しで見てみたけど、やっぱ何言ってるか分かるような・・・と、かなり感動しました。まあ、そんな難しいようなセリフは言ってませんけどね でも、嬉しかったのです! もう一回観よっと


2005年11月20日 | 勉強会・短編
な、なんと・・・ペンパルが添削してくれました。まさかこんなクソ長いものを、こんなにも丁寧に直して教えてもらえるなんて・・・!感激しちゃいました 読んでもらえるだけでありがたいのに・・苦笑。
気をつけてたつもりなのに、なんでしょう・・この ’a’とかの抜けっぷりは・・・ スペル間違ってみたり・・・不規則変化だっちゅうに、edとかつけちゃってるし!まだまだだな・・。
There was a large park in the city where Ken lived.(start new sentence) The park didn't have a playground for the kids, but nonetheless Ken loved going there (no comma) since he was a little boy.
The park had an old huge cherry tree. He didn't know how old that tree was, but he guesed it was over 500 years old because the trunk was mammothlike.
Ken came to see the tree (no comma) whenever he felt angry, worried, or sad at home or school. He loved to lay down under the tree on the lawn with his daydream. He was able to do anything, got everything he wanted, went everywhere he wanted to go.(new sentence) He could say clearly " No " to his parents , teachers,(comma) and friends in his imaginary world or world of imagination. Read my note at the end. 
Ken was a 15 year old junior highschool student. He was pure Japanese, but he looked like a foreigner, because he was the tallest boy in his school, and he had clear skin , hazel eyes, and his hair sometimes looked blonde (especially under the sun) (I added parentheses).
He was a really handsome boy , so of course he was idolized by the girls, but it was only a first impression until the girls learned of his character.
He always agreed with everyone. He had no opinion. He had never decided anything for himself. He had a lot of friends, but none of them were his close friend. However, he didn't mind it, because he was a reclusive type and he loved being alone with the tree.
The tree always wrapped gently around his lonely heart. Sutekina shi ne
One warm spring evening, Ken was there. Ken looked up and gazed blankly at the pale sky beyond light pink flowers. He slid his right hand into his pocket, pulled out a small stuffed animal, (comma) and then (no comma) he took the animal's tail with his fingers and swang it in front of his face.
"Actually, I didn't need you...." he grumbled (good word!) to the toy.  He bought it yesterday when he went down the street on his way home from cram school. He felt thirsty and was going to look in a convenience store. It was wrong of him in the first place. He turned left at a liquor shop and then he noticed an ancient-looking shop.

"Wow...I didn't know that there was a curiosity shop in my town..!." Ken yelled.
The shop's signboard said the shop's name was " Parallel world" . Ken took an interest in the shop. (good idiom - "took an interest in") He propped his bicycle against a wall, stood outside the shop, took a hard look inside the shop. (read my note at the end)
The shop had lots of marvelous furnishings, strangely shaped chair, queer ornaments, specimens of insects, stuffed bears,(comma) and so on.
Suddenly, the owner who had thin and white hair noticed Ken, and beckoned him into his shop. He looked about 80 years old. He wore spectacles. The very thick glasses made his eyes look bigger. If he straightened his back, he might have been tall, but he was bent with age, so (no comma) he was only as tall as Ken's waist. He wore a deep green knitted hat and worn-out yellowish thin sweater with a queer emblem. Ken thought the owner had poor taste in clothes, and he seemed as strange as his shop.
Ken went into the shop. The inside of the shop was bigger than he expected. He found a great many clocks; (semicolon) pendulum clocks, cuckoo clocks, grandfather clocks, pocket watches, table clocks and sandglasses (we call it "hourglasses"). Some of them turned counterclockwise. Some of them had extra time, " 45:00?! " he gasped, but the owner said calmly " No wonder, the clock was used a country that had 45 hours in a day."
"...in his imagination world." You are describing the noun "world". Describing is the job of adjectives, so the adjective form of the noun "imagination" is "imaginary".
past tense of "slide" = "slid" (not "slided"). Some verbs do not use "-ed" for past tense. Example: you know the past tense of "feel" is not "feeled", but "felt".  Wasure nikui ne.
"....took a look inside the shop hardly." Very good LeMON. You know the adjective "hard" and you know to add "ly" to make an adverb. But in modern English, this word "hardly" means a different thing. It means "barely" (karoujite? nantoka?). Many Americans ask this joke question
"Are you working hard, or hardly working?"
It is a "word joke" because "hardly working" means doing only a little bit of work.
You use the word "queer" correctly. It means "strange" or "odd". But I will warn you - to Americans and Canadians (not so much British or Austrailians), the word "queer" means "douseiaisha"
The other mistakes are just typical Nihonjin eigo mistakes.
Remember to use articles (the, an, a) when you talk about something that is (or was) physically present, or when you talk about a specific individual object.
Example: "I like sushi" (I don't say "the sushi" because I am not talking about a specific sushi - I like sushi generally .)
"Please pass the sushi" (Here, there is sushi present, you can see it. We could say "Please pass that sushi".)
If someone asks me "Which food is good in that restaurant?", I can answer
"I like the sushi". Wakarimasuka? Because I am talking about the specific sushi in that restaurant.


2005年11月20日 | にっき
ハリー・ポッターと炎のゴブレット 上下巻2冊セット (4)



映画 ハリーポッターと炎のゴブレット  こちらも、本日先行上映で観てまいりました

期待通り・・いえ、期待以上でした 今回は前回の失敗を踏まえて、映画前に小説を読み直すなどという事はせずに行ったので、普通に楽しむ事が出来ました それでも、多少は「あ・・あそこのシーンがない・・」なんて思ってましたが・・!

暗くて怖いシーンが結構多くて、ハラハラしました かなり釘付けです。闇の印、うおー、あんなの実際に上がったら震え上がります、こえー 

MLでいくと・・・次もナルニア・・なんですけど、今ハリーに気持ちが傾きまくっています・・! ああ、この衝動どうしたものか。


2005年11月20日 | にっき




ういろう君は、邦画は映画館でお金払ってまで観ない主義なもので(テレビでいいじゃんって感じらしい) なかなか邦画は観にいけないのですが、今回はめでたくペアチケットが当たったので、無料なら行くでしょ・・!と行ってまいりました。

う~ん。すごく文学作品です~って感じがしました。れもンには、ちょっと高尚過ぎた・・・?!大きな波というか展開がなく、ゆるやかにストーリーが進んで行ったので、結構・・長く感じたかも。(隣から寝息が聞こえてきてしまった・・ あ、ういろう君ではないですよ、念のため)
悲恋・・悲恋?悲恋と言えば悲恋だけど、清様よ・・ って感じでした。(意味不明・・・?苦笑。うまく言えません) 聡子は一体清顕のどこにほれてたんでしょう・・・・???謎・・。原作は読んだ事が無いのですが、読んだら分かるのかなあ??いや・・分からないだろうなあ・・・苦笑。 



2005年11月19日 | 勉強会・短編


Chapter 1 " Ken meets Ron"

There was a large park in the city where Ken lived, the park didn't have a playground for the kids, but nonetheless Ken loved going there, since he was a little boy.

The park had an old huge cherry tree. He didn't know how old that tree was, but he guesed it was over 500 years old, so, the trunk was mammothlike.

Ken came to see the tree, whenever he felt angry, worry or sad at home or school. He loved to lay down under the tree on the lawn with his daydream. He was able to do anything, got everything he wants, went everywhere he wants to go..and he could say clearly " No " to his parents , teachers and friends in his imagination world.

Ken was a 15 year old junior highschool student. He was pure Japanese, but he looked like foreigner, because he was the tallest boy in his school, and he had clear skin , hazel eyes, and his hair sometimes looked blonde especially under the sun.

He was really handsome boy ,of course he was idolized by the girls, but it was only first impression until the girls learn of his character.

He always agreed with everyone. He had no opinion. He had never decided himself everything.

He had a lot of friends, but none of them were his close friend. However, he didn't mind it, because he was a reclusive type and he loved being alone with the tree.

The tree always wrapped his lonely heart around gently.


One warm spring evening, Ken had being there. Ken looked up and gazed blankly at the pale sky beyond light pink floweres. He slided his right hand into his pocket, pulled out a small stuffed animal and then , he took the animal's tail with his fingers and  swang it in front of his face.

"Actually, I didn't need you...." he grumbled to the toy.  He bought it yesterday when he went down the street on his way home from cram school. He had felt thirsty and was going to look in a convenience store. It was wrong of him in the first place. He turned left at a liquor shop and then he noticed an ancient-looking shop.

"Wow...I didn't know that there was a curiosity shop in my town..!." Ken yelled.
The shop's signboard said the shop's name was " Parallel world" . Ken took an interest in the shop. He propped his bicycle against a wall, stood outside the shop, took a look inside the shop hardly.

The shop had lots of marvelous furnishings, strange shape chair, queer ornament, specimens of insects, stuffed bear and so on.

Suddenly, the owner who had thin and white hair noticed Ken, and beckoned him into his shop. He looked about 80 years old. He wore spectacles. The very thick glasses made his eyes look bigger. If he straighten his back, he might have been tall, but he was bent with age, so, he was tall as high as Ken's waist. He wore a deepgreen knitted hat and worn-out yellowish thin sweater with queer emblem. Ken thought the owner had poor taste in clothes, strange as same as his shop.

Ken went into the shop. Inside of the shop was bigger than he expected. He found a great many clock, pendulum clocks, cuckoo clockes, grandfather clocks, pocket watch, table clock and sandglasses. Some of them turn counterclockwise. Some of them had extra time, " 45:00?! " he gasped, but the owner said calmly " No wonder, the clock was used a country that had 45 hours in a day."