

Report ”Curiosity killed the cat 1~4話参照。 (勉強会用/小説)

2005年01月10日 | 勉強会・短編

A jurenile crime happened again.
Three young people were arrested by a swindle and abduction of girl of suspicions in NOVA prefecture yesterday evening. The number of Juvenile crimes were over 20 in this month.

The girl who was kept by them was protected by Police. She didn't get hurt except got some scratches. Relations must have felt relief. They testified that they hit on a method of swindle when they have been watching TV NEWS. They thought it might have been able to do easily.

Unfortunataly, they haven't said sorry even now. They haven't had a plan to abduction of the girl. However, they had been witnessed by her. and then they had been compelled to carry off her. Her cell phone had a GPS function was the Key to solving the case in early stages. She sent an e-mail with a photo of them to her friend. And her friend reported that thing to the Police as soon as she has gotton the e-mail.

The e-mail showed the time of the crime and the scence of the crime. Those things were important Key,too.

Fortunataly, her cell phone had been turn on. Police officers have indentificationed the place easily . Finaly Police officers could find the girl soon.

Police officers have been make a thorough investigate if they had other crimes.
This time the principal was 19 year old girl. We couldn't hide our surprise. Copying crime might be on the increase after this. We hope the crime rate will reduction.






A juvenile crime happend again.
Three young people were arrested, because they swindled and abducted a girl (of suspictions) in the NOVA prefecture yesterday evening.

The number of Juvenile crimes were over 20 this month. The girl who abducted by them was being protected by the Police. She didn't get hurt excpect for some scratches.

Her relations must have felt relieved. They testified that they hit on a method of swindle when they were watching the TV NEWS. They thought they might have been able to do easily.

Unfortunataly, They haven't apologized yet. They didn't have a plan for abduction of the girl. However, they had been seen by her, so, they had been compelled to carry her off.
Her cell phone, had a GPS function, was the Key to solving the case early. She sent an e-mail with a photo of them to her friend. Then her friend reported the e-mail to the Police as soon as she recieved it.

The e-mail showed the time of the crime and the scence of the crime. Those things were an important Key in solving the crime.

Fortunataly, her cell phone had been turned on. Police officers have identified the place easily. Finaly Police officers were able to find the girl soon.

Police officers have been making a thorough investigation if they had other crimes .
This time the victim(?) was 19 year old girl. We couldn't hide our surprise.

Copycat crime might increase after this incident. We hope the crime rate will be reduced.


()内は、あっても無くても良いけど、無いほうがすっきりするとのこと。her friend reported that thing.....では曖昧になるので、that thingをe-mail にして、後半に出てくる部分をitに変更。 

Those things were an important Key,too. のtooは、in solving the crime にしたほうが分かりやすいとのこと。今回couldをbe able toに二度直されたので、何か微妙な違いがあるらしい・・・です。どっちでもいいというよりも、思い切り×して消されて、直されたので・・。
時間が無くて、そこまでは聞けなかったので、今度、何がどう違うのか聞いてみます・・ あと(?)ってしたのは、その場の説明で principalは良い意味で上の人だから、(・・・私の辞書では、主犯で調べたらprincipalって出てきたから使ったんだけど・・)victimを使った方がいいよって説明だったので、そのまーんま素直に聞いてたら!スペルが妖しいから、後で調べておいて・・・って言われて調べたらなんと・・、「犠牲者」ってでてくるじゃーないですか! NO~!!  ライむの意見で「offender」でいいんじゃないか?って事なので、ま、そゆことで・・・。 Copying crimeでも間違いではないけれど、Copycatのがいいよって教えてもらいました。そーいや、聞いたことある・・・!

あ、あと、Police officers have been making a thorough investigation if....のところで、
They think there might be a possible connection between those criminals and those crimes.ってのを追加してもいいかもって教えてくれました。

レポート形式で書くのは、結構レッスン習ったいろんなパターンの練習になるから、すごく勉強になりました。 受け身だったり、関係代名詞だったり、推測だったり・・。

一度出てきた名詞とかって二回目からはit だの heだのって書くからって思って、そうしてると、元の名詞に直されたりと、一体どの程度行があいちゃうと、もう一度名詞使ったらいいのかっていう加減がイマイチ分からない・・・・汗。 

