

might have been...

2004年12月29日 | ノート
He might have been a famus astronaut.
He could have been practicing to swim in space.
The dog must be a good partner.
I must have been happy , because I got a camera.
I heard some people might contact aliens. I gave them a hand.

ついつい、毎度毎度 have をつけるのを忘れては、注意される進歩の無いれもン・・。



I must take a that page's lesson again....
He must have checked it that I need to learn the page again.



2004年12月29日 | NOVA L4レッスン








ポールはゆっくり丁寧に、しかも、全部書き出してくれる 添削後も、それに関連させつつ、レッスン(テキスト)をしてくれる。うわ!今何時??もうこんな時間!ってのがいつものパターンだけど・・笑。

クリスは、頭の回転がいいのか、直すのも、すごく速い。説明もしっかり適切にしてくれる。切り替えも速いので、はい!終了~!テキスト開いて・・!!と、まるで何事も無かったかのように 普通にレッスンが始まる。



Funny(?) things happend to....

2004年12月29日 | にっき
When I was working ...., it happend...!
A phone rang. It was a complaint call.

A clark forgot something....,
He forgot put a meat pate between bacon & bread. so, he made no meat Bacon & Lettuce Burger!

However, When I told that things to the other clark, She said,
"I heard that someone had forgotton two meat pates....."

Guess what?

The clark made no meat BIG MAC!

I can't believe !!


第2話 Curiosity killed the cat (勉強会用/小説)

2004年12月28日 | 勉強会・短編
"Don't you think the person who believed me is silly?"
"She was a foolish old bag! She believed me that I was her grandchild. I'm not your grandchild! ha-ha! It was quite easy,hum?"

Misa heard such as conversations that they wispering excitedly. She didn't intend to go to the bank, but she closed on the heel's and stood in a line behind them, and then they got money that Misa hadn't never seen such a large amount of bills from ATM, clutching and werstled them into their bag. They chortled and said,
"Good job! Haha!"

She pretended to be writing an e-mail and took a picturer of them by her cell phone. After that, she sent an e-mail with the picture to her friend, Yumi. Yumi had been Misa's close friend since they were little kids.

【I guess they swindle money out of some people..especially eldrly people. I'll follow them and find their secret base! If I'll be able to find it, aren't I cool? I might get a letter of thanks from Police! WoW...! COOL! 】

「オレの言う事信じるやつらってバカだと思わねぇ?」とか「頭悪りぃよな、あのばーさん。オレのこと自分の孫だとマジ信じ込んでたよ。オレはお前の孫じゃねえっつうの!ちょろいもんだよ。なっ。」 そんな彼らの興奮して囁きあってる会話を聞いてしまった。お金を下ろす予定など無かったけれど、後をつけて、その男たちの後ろに並んだ。すると、その男たちは、ATMからミサが今までに見たこともないような、お札の束をワシヅカミにしては、カバンにねじ込んでいた。彼らは満足そうに笑って「上出来じゃん!」と言っていた。


"Don't you think anyone who believes me is silly?"
"She was a foolish old bag! She actually believed that I was her grandchild. I'm not your grandchild! ha-ha! It was pretty easy,hum?"

Misa overheard this conversation as they wispered excitedly. She didn't intend to go to the bank, but she followed them closely and stood in a line behind them. The two men withdrew more money that than Misa had ever seen from an ATM. Clutching the money, they wrestled it into their bag. Then chortled and said,
"Good job! Ha-ha!" They laughed maniacally.

She pretended to be writing an e-mail and took a picture of them with her cell phone. After that, she sent an e-mail with the picture to her friend,Yumi. Yumi had been Misa's close friend since they were little kids.


一行目のところは、典型的日本人のミスっていうか、日本人的言い方だって言われた。あと、She actually believed ってした方が、本当に信じ込んでいる感じが出るそう。conversationにsをつけたら、実際には、沢山の会話をしているかもしれないけれど、ミサが聞いたのは、一人が喋って、もう一人が答えただけの、一度の会話(一回分?)。だから単数らしい。

closed on the heels だと、かなりつけまわしている感じになるから、この場合は、その男にくっついて銀行に入って行って、後ろに並ぶまでで、一旦つける行為が終わっているため、使わないそう。言いたい事を詰め込みすぎた部分は、程よく、短く修正されました。

ha-ha! で終わらせてたところも、分かりやすいように、They laughed maniacally.ってつけたししてもらったし。うーん、またまた勉強になった♪




第1話 Curiosity killed the cat (勉強会用/小説)

2004年12月25日 | 勉強会・短編

【What should I do....? Anybody helps me...,please...】
Misa had been strggled in the dark place for a long time.She couldn't move, because her wrists and ankles were tied a rope. Her body had a lot of scratches for struggle.
【How many times does it passed when I was caught...My mother must be worried about me...】
Misa regreted that she shadowed those men out of mere curiosity. She was under impression that be an investigator, However, she was just a highschool girl, not an investigator, of course those men noticed her unskillfull shadow. After that,she was taken away and had been stay their secret base of operations. Shame on her! Misa is a 17 year old highscool girl who has a burning curiosity. Her skin was dark, because she is a member of athletics club. She is an idol of her school mates. It happend on Monday afternoon when she was walking down the street on her way from her school to home. That day, she didn't have a club activities and she left her school in the early time. As she came along the Bank of NOVA, she witnessed those men and heard what they said.




【What should I do...? Could someone help me...,please...】
Misa had been struggling in a dark place for a long time. She couldn't move, because her wrists and ankles were tied with rope. Her body had a lot of scratiches from struggling.
【How long has passed since I was caught...My mother must be worried about me..】
Misa regreted that she had followed those men out of mere curiosity. She had felt as though she was an investigator. However, she was just a girl and not an investigator, of course. Those men had noticed her unskillfully shadowing them. After that,she had been taken away and had been kept at their secret base of operations. Poor girl! Misa was a 17 years old highschool girl who had a burning curiosity. Her skin was dark, because she was a member of an athletics club. She had long arms and legs and she was idolised by her school mates. It happend on Monday afternoon when she was walking down the street on her way from school to her home. That day,she didn't have a club actibity and she left her school early. As she came along the Bank of NOVA,she witnessed those men and heard what they said.

キャラの説明をするときに、過去形で書いたほうがいいのか否か迷った挙句、現在形で書いてしまった。なぜか色黒ってとこだけ、wasって書いてしまった・・。最初、現在形でも何も言われなかったけれど、そこのwasを見つけた、ポールが、物語をかくなら、こっちの方がいいね。と、一度はそのまま直さず通り過ぎたところを全部過去形に直し始めた・・!しょっちゅう、(前回もS&Rの添削の際)物語は過去形で書くから、その過去形で書いてある物語の中の、更に過去の出来事は過去分詞を使って書くってさんざん言われていたのにもかかわらず、またもや、同じ間違いをしまくり!!でいーっぱいhad を付け足された!

例えば、Misa regreted that she had followed those men.....
ミサが後悔していた。(過去) 男たちを尾行した事を(以前にしでかした出来事)

あと、「このザマだ!」のつもりで書いた部分、Shame on her!は、怒って、なんてザマなんだ!なんなんだ一体?!みたいな感じ?になるらしい。で、ちょっと柔らかく?!かわいそう・・!に直された・・・のかな??? この辺はどうも意思の疎通が・・・。Shame on her!で、ちょっと吹き出された・・ 汗。あら? 

あ、それから stay(そもそも、仮にstayだったとしても、原型じゃ間違いだってばよ・・)→kept は、いたくてそこのいるわけじゃなく、拘束されてるので、keepを使って、強い言い方にした方が感じが出るとの事。







Xmas Dinner

2004年12月25日 | にっき
I had a Xmas dinner with my husband at a hotel which was we had married since 2001.
We had a wonderful time ! They were really delicious. I didn't have a plan to buy a Xmas cake, because that Xmas dishes had a dessert. However we bought a Xmas cake at LOWSON...when we were comming back home. Icould get a cake, I paid only 550yen.So,I used my 500point from LOWSON PASS CARD when I paied !



2004年12月23日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
<Next day>
Sally finished at the cooking scool.then she met a very interesting woman,Silvia who was her cooking instructor. She looked calm,but she had a strong intuition. Nobody knows, it's going to cause traubles in the future.

<After few weeks>
Richard was happy everyday. Sally made friends with Linda. Linda was so charming and young. Sally liked talking with her.

<One day>
Linda wanted to invite Sally. so, she made a plan for meeting at her house. Linda said,
"What are you doing after tomorrow's lesson? Why don't you come over tomorrow?"
Sally said,
"That's a good idea. I'll come!"

"Wow!! Your house is really cute! You love Hello Kitty , don't you ? Wow...."
Sally was surprised that her room had a lot of pink items.
...Then Sally found a picture of her withe a man on her desk. In that picture both of them looked very happy. Sally picked the photo frame up, and she asked her.
"Is this your boyfriend?"
Sally was disturbed about that. She was afraid that Linda could hear her heart beat. So,the man was Sally's ex-boyfriend. Linda was a little bit shy and she innocently anwsered.
"Yes! He is my boyfriend,Steve. Isn't he cool??"




2004年12月22日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
Richard sent an E-mail to Marie that night.Telling her he was really happy today.
"Thank you Marie. We were able to make up with each other. We went to buy her new apron. I'm really happy about this, so I can see her smile. Thank you , I appreciate it, Richard."

As soon as Marie received his E-mail. She sent a reply.
"Thank you for your E-mail.I was happy hear that, but be careful Sally has a whim. I'm sorry for you. Anyway , I hope you guys stay happy."

Sally is going to apply for the cooking school tomorrow. She couldn't wait till the nextday.She called Marie and told her what happend today. Marie already had known about that. She didn't talk about that.so, Sally doesn't know Marie and Richard contacted each other.


The winter solstice(冬至)

2004年12月22日 | にっき
We took a hot citron bath last night. It smells really good, isnt't it? I spent wonderful bath time. and We also ate simmered pumpkins.
Hummmmmmmmmm,yammy yammy great!

My mother forgot it until I told her Today was the winter solstice.
As I said you were an eldery person why didn't know that? she said you were still young but why you remember that?

She didn't fail to chatch a word and said "Excuse me? Who is eldery person?"


人気ブログランキング 元祖ブログランキング


2004年12月21日 | 勉強会・短編
