Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


フィールドワーク652. 国際空港の今!

2022年07月13日 | field work










 同様の手続きはフィリピン入国時にも必要だ。2回のワクチン接種証明書、PCR検査の陰性証明書、そしてスマホアプリのHealth passの事前記入、これはstsge2にならないと使用できない。


 だからほとんどのビジターはレンタカーで迎えに来てもらう。私もT2空港ゲート外れにあるSEATTLE'S BEST CAFFEEでアイス珈琲を飲みながら迎えを待っていた。空港内に見当たらなかった両替所は、この隣にあった。さてフィリピンの旅もこれで終わりにします。


I returned to Kansai Airport on June 16th. Upon returning to Japan, a negative certificate, vaccination certificate, and mySOS app pre-filling within 72 hours are required. If you bring these three, a healthy person can pass through in less than an hour without waiting, and can leave the airport gate through quarantine and customs clearance.

In Kansai International Airport, when you first get off the plane, you will be carried by a tiger hook and taken to the quarantine zone provided in the center. This is a traditional wall with veneered plywood aisles and waiting spaces. Walk through a long maze. In other words, it means that a long line will be generated and waited. Before long, there is an examination space where simple desks are lined up. After completing a series of quarantines, the customs clearance procedure is completed and you can return to Japan.

At that time, Kansai International Airport Terminal 1 was quiet two weeks after it started accepting travelers from overseas. It was a lonely landscape just like a local airport in a rural area.

There was only Lawson on the main floor. I bought a confiscated lighter and Japanese cigarettes here in the Philippines and asked her elderly aunt for a smoking corner. She told me that her aunt pointed her finger straight.

The story goes back to the time of departure, but if you do not eat at a limited restaurant in Kansai Airport before customs clearance, you will not be able to eat until you board the plane. I confirmed that one fast food restaurant is open.

Similar procedures are required when entering the Philippines. Two vaccination certificates, a negative PCR test certificate, and a smartphone app Health pass and pre-fill, which can only be used with stsge2.

Even when arriving in the Philippines, the military was quarantining the majority of the airport building. The thing that opposes is the Philippines, a gun society where shooting is unavoidable rather than shooting. However, when you leave the airport building, there is a crowd of people and cars, and from there you are in the world of the Philippines. This is because only passengers can enter the airport building.

Therefore, most visitors will be picked up by rental car. I was waiting while drinking iced coffee at SEATTLE'S BEST CAFFEE, which is outside the T2 port gate. The exchange office that I couldn't find in the airport was next to this. Well, the trip to the Philippines is over.



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