Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります

「カトリック信者への回心の呼びかけ」:ピーター・フォルティン神父様 2020年の六旬節の主日の説教

2020年02月17日 | お説教・霊的講話
聖ピオ十世会司祭 ピーター・フォルティン神父





彼の夢の一つを簡単にお話ししましょう。彼の夢のうちでも少しよく知られているものです。この夢は「悪魔の象」と呼ばれています。彼の話はすべて少年たちに関係するものですが、実は誰にでも当てはまるものです。興味深いことに、この夢に出てくるのは、いつも教会に行き、秘蹟を受けている人たちで、さらには聖なる司祭ドン・ボスコも彼らとともにいたのです。でも、現実を理解するならば、多くの人は非常に偽善的だということです。まことのカトリック精神を持っていないということです。おそらく、多くの敬虔な行いはするものの、実際には愛徳に欠けているのです。彼らを見ると教会でミサに参列しているのですが、そのあとはどうでしょうか? 隣人を攻撃し、恨みを抱き、悪口を言い、中傷し、そのほかのあらゆる種類の悪徳に陥っているのです。ヨハネ・ボスコの夢はほとんどが若者に関するものですが、若者の養育に責任がある人もその他誰でも、そこから霊的な実を引き出すことができるのです。




最後に、象は立ち上がって、黒くて恐ろしい獣に姿を変え、そして、つるぎを持って戦っていた少年たちと一緒に黒い雲のようなけむりの中に消えていきました。聖母は残された少年たちに語り掛けて、こう言われました。「あなたたちは私の呼びかけを聞き入れたので、悪魔があなたたちの仲間に行った虐殺から救われたのです。あなたたちの破滅の原因が何なのか知りたいですか? 無礼な言葉と無礼な行いです」。象はこれらの罪を表していたのです。このような夢あるいは幻視によって、聖ヨハネ・ボスコは自分が世話をしている少年たちの霊魂の霊的状態を生々しく見るのです。それは、手遅れにならないうちに少年たちが変わるようにするためです。




Sermon for Sexagesima Sunday
Fr Peter Fortin, FSSPX

Dear faithful,
We come upon a preparation for the Holy Feast of Easter. We can view this time as a remote preparation for this most Holy Feast, in April. Remote meaning far in advance. We have time and perhaps even a lot of time. The longer the preparation that is allowed then the more special is the feast and more meaningful. The Church wants us to look at Christ and to look at ourselves. To focus on our Lord and what He wants for us. The church wants us to realize that Christ is constantly calling us to look at our poor and weak selves to change to convert. That is to apply the graces received more fully to our lives and to turn towards virtue, to turn away from our sinful habits. For this there are three things, 1st consideration of self, 2nd realization of our condition and 3rd conversion more fully to God, these three things.

First, for the consideration of self. It’s basically to look at ourselves in all honesty. As God more or less would behold us. Not as we would like to be seen as. It requires our attention to look back and to realize our sinful self in order to avoid the same sin. It’s good to remember that no sin, no matter how small, is alright. All sin no matter the gravity leads to larger sins and the final place is Hell. We should be consistently making good examinations of our consciences in order to consider ourselves. If one looks at oneself and sees that there is not much change necessary or does not recognize their lack of virtue, or sinful self. Then this is a serious determent to salvation.

Second, for realization, it is to see ourselves, more or less as we truly are and not as we would like to be or pretend to be. At the time of our death there will be the true realization of what we are like in relation to Our Lord Jesus Christ, in relation with our neighbors. Then it’s too late.

To illustrate the point of realization I will relate a dream from the life of St. John Bosco. Just over a week ago we had the feast of St. John Bosco, priest and confessor who cared especially for the youth. During his life he had many dreams. But these are more like visions to show a spiritual reality. To show how beautiful a virtue is and how pleasing to God or the dangers of a vice. He received the grace to really look at the souls of those under his care and to allow the persons to realize their sinful state in order to change before it leads to their damnation.

I will relate briefly one of his dreams. It is little better known than some of his other dreams. It is referred to as the “Fiendish Elephant”. All of his stories have to do with the boys but they can be applied to anyone. It’s interesting to note that it is concerning individuals who for the most part frequent the Church, holy Sacraments and they had the presence of a saintly priest, Don Bosco. And yet the realization is that many were very hypocritical. Not having a true Catholic spirit. Perhaps many pious practices but really lacking charity. They would be seen in the church, attending the Holy Mass but then what afterwards? Attack their neighbor, hold grudges, backbite, slander and fall into all other sorts of vices. The dreams are mostly about the youth, but who is responsible for the upbringing of the youth but anyone can draw spiritual fruit for them.

The dream opens like this, St. John Bosco finds himself in the courtyard of the church and is amazed to see an elephant in the courtyard and many of the boys were playing with it. The elephant was very playful with the children. They were having a grand time with it. The elephant was nudging the children in a gentle manner.

In the dream of St. John Bosco, the bell rang and the boys went inside the church for benediction. St. John Bosco was at the benediction and he noticed that all the boys had come inside to attend and there was the elephant in the back of the church. He watched the elephant, uneasily in the back of the church and when it came for the blessing he noticed that the elephant showed its back to the Holy Eucharist and was on its knees facing the outside.

After the benediction in his dream, St. John Bosco saw an image of the blessed Virgin with many beautiful quotes written on her mantle. Then without warning the elephant turned on the boys. It started to throw the boys to the ground and trample upon them crushing them and wounding them grievously. The elephant also had boys on its side with swords and weapons going and attacking the other youths. Our Lady was there pleading for the boys to stay away from elephant but many did not listen to her. She was trying frantically calling the boys but many did not listen to her and some after a while.

Finally, the elephant reared itself and turned itself into a dark and dreadful beast and then disappeared into a black cloud of smoke along with the boys who had fought with swords. Our Lady addressed the boys who were left and said “You heeded my call and were spared from the slaughter wrought by the devil on your companions. Do you want to know what caused your ruin? Foul talk and foul deeds.” The elephant represented these sins. With these dreams or visions of St. John Bosco, he sees in a vivid manner the spiritual state of the souls of the boys under his care in order that they would change before it was too late.

The third and last step is conversion. In the Acts of the Apostles, a beautiful example of conversion in the life of St. Paul. One who was actively persecuting the Church is thrown off his horse and then Our Lord addresses St. Paul and told him that he was persecuting Himself, God. St. Paul realizes this and then converts fully and becomes “The Apostle” because of his labors and sufferings.

So the task is put before to consider ourselves and to really see ourselves as we are and then to convert. To turn away from ours sinful habits, bad attachments and to convert more fully to Our Lord. We should at this time focus on the one pressing need of our soul. Especially that which might rob us of the grace of God. We must make a plan to acquire the virtue in which we are lacking so that this for the Easter of this year will be more beneficial for our souls. How many Easters do we still have to take advantage of conversion?

St. Bernard of Clairvaux writes concerning conversion: “Neither fear nor self-interest can convert the soul. They may change the appearance, perhaps even the conduct, but never the object of supreme desire... Fear is the motive which constrains the slave; greed binds the selfish man, by which he is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed (James 1:14). But neither fear nor self-interest is undefiled, nor can they convert the soul. Only charity can convert the soul, freeing it from unworthy motives.”
― St. Bernard of Clairvaux

