kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2012年12月25日 11時56分27秒 | 日記
Walking: 43 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I really managed to increase the number of push-ups by just one time to 27 times, and
kept over-25-time push-ups for the twelfth straight day.
I could keep no-smoking for two years and seventeen days in a row.
It's very cold in Nagoya and maybe we saw the coldest morning in the winter with the lowest
temerature of minus 2.3 degrees.
Now I'm wondering if I should wear a down jacket as an inner clothing which I bought at one
of the Uniqlo stores and I've not worn it so far in preparation for the coldest weather.
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2012年12月24日 13時54分19秒 | 日記


look on :一緒に見る
drape :(厚地の)カーテン、掛け布、ゆったりしたひだ
memorialize :追悼する
flyover :儀礼飛行
file :列を作って進む
casket :棺桶、棺◆【同】coffin
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Daily Routine

2012年12月24日 11時59分15秒 | 日記
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I decreased the number of push-ups by two times from the previous record to 26 times, and
kept over-25-time push-ups for the eleventh straight day.
I also could keep no-smoking for two years and sixteen days in a row.
It's very cold with a temperature of almost 4 degrees in the morning in Nagoya and I wore
one more pants over a pair of jeans while riding a bike on my way to the work place.
I wrote some New Year's cards last night, but still now I don't feel the year is about to
end and probably I will feel January 1st is one of usual 365 days...
I have a special day as a turning point, so I might feel I had spent a day like Gantan.
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2012年12月23日 17時13分23秒 | 日記


brass :お偉方、上層部、大物、高級将校(連中)
stream of complaints :途切れなく続く不平
corruption scandal :裏取引スキャンダル、汚職事件
honor guard :儀仗兵、儀杖隊
empty talk :無駄話
rigorously :厳しく、厳格に
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Daily Routine

2012年12月23日 12時10分19秒 | 日記
Walking: 55 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I managed to do 28-time push-ups yesterday, down two times from the previous record, and
kept over-25-time push-ups for the tenth straight day for the first time in a long time.
I also kept no-smoking for two years and fifteen days in a row although actually I had a
dream this morning in which I was smoking.(lol)
I went and bought some Shouchu at a sake store just before I got a coupon by e-mail from
the store.....maybe I have no good chemistry with the store.
Honestly at a time when this year is about to end, I don't feel so...I mean especially
this year's end may be one of the usual days....maybe.
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Daily Routine

2012年12月22日 12時29分19秒 | 日記
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I tried increasing the number of push-ups by as many as five times to 30 times, and kept
over-25-time push-ups for the ninth straight day.
I also could keep no-smoking for two years and fourteen days in a row.
After a long and cold rain, now it's stopped raining and quite cloudy and a little dark.
Weather forecasts say it'll get much warmer than yesterday with the highest temperature
of about 12 degrees, and I really want the prediction to come true.
Anyway the year end is surely coming soon, and I really feel the years go so quickly.
I must have got old....I'm afraid.
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2012年12月21日 14時08分33秒 | 日記


task force :特別捜査班、専門調査会、特別委員会、作業部会、対策委員会◆【略】TF
law enforcement official :取締官
in a timely manner :時宜を得た[にかなった]方法で、時間どおりに、直ちに
executive order :実行命令、行政命令◆【略】EO
military-type assault weapons :軍事用攻撃兵器
clip :(機関銃の)挿弾子、弾倉◆【参照】cartridge clip
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Daily Routine

2012年12月21日 12時06分10秒 | 日記
Walking: 60 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I managed to do 25-time push-ups yesterday, down three times from the previous record
of 28 times, and kept over-25-time push-ups for the eighth straight day.
I also kept no-smoking for two years and thirteen days in a row.
I went to Nagoya Staiton yesterday and had my hair cut at one of the QB places at a cost
of 1000 yen, as you know, and it took only about 10 minutes.
I think their skills are not so bad....I mean I may continue to ask them in the future.
I also visited Kasadera Park near the subway station of Tsurusato and enjoyed the exhibition
of a rebuilt house of the Yayoi Era.
Then I went to oen of the Doutor Coffee cafes and did some English reproduction practice.
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2012年12月20日 12時29分58秒 | 日記


mothball :しまい込んだ、お蔵入りした、使用していない、棚上げになった、延期になった
blaze the path :(未開の森林の中を進むときに)樹皮を焼いて道しるべとなる印を付ける、
in conjunction with :~と共に、~と連動して、~と合同して、~と協力して
on the horizon :実現の時が迫っている
secure a contract for some work :請負を獲得する
winged missile :有翼ミサイル
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Daily Routine

2012年12月20日 12時19分48秒 | 日記
Walking: 20+40 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I wish I had much more time to be here today.
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